@makeworld That's a cool idea. One aside, the spec permits for efficiently ovefwriting the existing data but I'm not sure whether implementations actually stay true to that. You'll probs want to poll every 30 mins or something along those lines too since we didn't get the pubsub spec adopted either 😅
@akhileshthite I already have a decent 40 inch monitor actually. The main thing I'm looking for is to consolidate my cables into the screen so I don't have as much clutter around 😸
@makeworld Yeah 100% agreed. I think libtorrent abstracts out the spec stuff decently IIRC. It's pretty much just mutable put with a bit of structure.
@makeworld On the order of minutes for lookup in my nodejs impl. Insure about libtorrent but it's on there if you have time to mess with c/c++
-= We hoped we never had to do this but here we are and we now have to do this. =-
American trans humans are under threat and like in 1930s Germany, they now have to GTFO of their home country.
We have decided we need to collect some information on the possible ways out.
So we made a wiki.
We are collecting information on possible exit routes into various countries. We focus on work, study and self employment visas as they are available at the moment.
@makeworld it's also slow as hell in practice. 😅 And cannot work with WebTorrent due to the reliance on the DHT. FWIW Agregore suppprts it out of the box including publishing. I've been meaning to do some optimization but I doubt it'll be as fast as Hypercore for example
Gotta read more about the approaches for tokenization / training of #LLM tech in Chinese. Seems like there's enough difference that there'd be some clever techniques. Anyone have links to stuff they've read? (any language)
I get through life by throwing a bunch of hooks into the sea and hoping some of them will catch while I keep my boat from sinking. Many things can tug at once and it becomes a dance of keeping it from tearing me apart or crushing me in potential gains. Joy or sorrow, I keep scampering around and keeping my momentum up lest it all unravel in a bang.
@fleeky Eh I'll just let my system administrator to deal with it since my users don't mind the downtime too much (I am the sysadmin and the only user)
It’s really frustrating me right now that Amazon, Google, and Microsoft make so much fucking money by overcharging for slow hardware. (And then use that money to fund coups and genocides.)
Cloud was a scam, and I fell for it, just like everyone else.
I really hope we can get European organisations out of there as soon as possible.
If I was smart and enterprise-y I’d be setting up an assisted colo in Switzerland right now.
Question for #tech people. What's a good monitor with an integrated USB C hub? I need something that's ideally ultrawide with a USB c cable I can plug into my laptop for displayport / charging and some ports for USB peripherals for my mic/camera. Ideally it wouldn't bother with HDMI and use a USB C cable for charging but whatever works would work.
Boosts and links very much appreciated.
@simon That's actually amazing given the problem statement.
All software is a series of turduckens glued together with with whatever sticky substances people had on hand with various levels of staleness and mould in each layer. If you're lucky they'll be covered in a pretty layer of icing that might be nice to poke so long as you don't touch what's directly underneath.
And I love it!
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.