De-google-ify Internet
Amazing campaign by the French not-for-profit association Framasoft.
The De-google-ify Internet project offers 26 ethical and alternative online tools that may be used by everyone.
They build open source alternatives to many Google services like Youtube, Agenda, Docs, Forms, Maps etc, as well other services to replace Doodle, Facebook Event, Github, Zoom, Slack and much more!
Check their beautiful website, watch the videos to know more about their work and follow them here in Mastodon:
#europe #opensource #europeanalternatives #EUtech #boycott #degoogle #google
Dang, videogame graphics these days are hardcore. I remember being more than satisfied with DOOM back in the day and now each leaf and pebble looks realistic with fancy lighting effects everywhere.
@brandon Have you messed with Qubes OS? I've been considering setting a machine up with it to see how it goes.
@brandon Yeah focusing on containers is a reasonable approach. I usually lean the opposite and try to be as close to the metal as possible with as few dependencies or little sophistication I can get away with. Usually just to speed up boostrapping on raw machines with limited configuration. Fish is neat! I've just pimped my bash to be less painful :P
I think I'm warming up to using local LLMs for helping me code. I don't trust them for large scale code generation but it's started saving me some time in looking up syntax and docs via DuckDuckGo. I still need to look up docs for most of the work I do but not so much for common use cases you'd find on stack overflow.
@villares Neat. For sandboxes I like to use JupyterLite in browsers to skip having to install anything natively.
@carlos Sweet, thanks for the link!
nazi techbro avoidance
Over the past month, I've been doing my best to de-mega-corp my tech ecosystem.
My conclusion: unless you are a skilled tech nerd with money and are willing and able to do it, it's basically impossible to not be exploited by your tech.
Tech's current state is abusive in all the worst ways, and frankly it should be illegal.
Tech professionals should be ashamed by what we have wrought.
#python tips for folks getting started.
Don't use the system-level python as that can update and break dependencies. E.g. Arch uses 3.13 if you update and Tensorflow can't go above 3.12.
Use pyenv to do version management per project.
Don't install pip dependencies globally. Use virtualenv to set up dependencies per project.
Python versioning is rough out of the box and these tips can save you some pain. Another group you might like is this VrChat Biosensing discord which uses EEG signals to control avatars. I think even though the corpos overhyped there's still some hope in us actually having access to interoperable spatial computing tools on the future
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.