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All I want for Christmas is a domesticated raccoon that wants to eat lasagna with me & go on quirky adventures. It would also be nice if the raccoon could do magic but I understand that is asking a lot and therefore, it is not required.

I've got spatial computing on the mind.

Had some chats today about what interaction with virtual objects would even look like. So far it's a big question mark.

Another is the interfaces that should be exposed to 3d objects to be able to make them interactable but which keep them sandboxed from wreaking havoc on the rest of your space.

My tool for making a simple, searchable, themeable archive of your public tweets and threads is now live:

The tool runs entirely on your computer, in your browser. None of your data is uploaded anywhere in the process. The output is a zip file of a basic HTML website that you can upload to a web host if you choose.

The site also answers most of the common questions I get. Please read it first before asking me questions here!

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There are accounts from the first settlers to Turtle Island that the forests were so abundant with food, and that the #indigenous folks they encountered seemed to eat along their pathways while traveling easily. This wasn't an accident. The forests were cultivated food forests, a great technological advance that was then mostly decimated, chopped down, and made into monocrops of things like wheat and corn. #permaculture and #foodforests are Indigenous innovations. Let's bring them back!

People wonder how feasible it is for websites to integrate with ActivityPub. So here's an interesting thought experiment for you:

44% of websites run on WordPress.

Joining ActivityPub is just a matter of installing this plugin on a Wordpress site.

5 y/o: Why do we have weekends?

Me: *eyes gleaming* Well, it’s because of this thing we have called UNIONS…

Just finished my first playthrough of Shadow Over Loathing. It was pretty cool, I'd recommend it. I think I did almost all the quests over 25 hours of gameplay. Gonna do another run with a different class and to indulge in evil a bit more 😈

tech troubles 

😭 I made the mistake of updating Android and now my ebook TTS thing keeps randomly pausing if my phone is locked.

It is just so hard to believe that we have had computers for this long and there is still not a common easy way to send a file from one computer to another.

These computers are on the same network. But what most people would do because it's the simplest, is to send it halfway across the world to another server just so it can come back to another computer sitting within reach of that person. That is the simplest way.

Forget this new corporate controlled attempt, and just use #OpenStreetMap like a normal person.


We are excited to announce the launch of the Overture Maps Foundation, a new collaborative effort to develop interoperable open map data to power mapping and location services worldwide.

Read the announcement: #Mapping #OpenSource


The idea that there is a single commonality between my address being posted and a rich celebrity's flight plan being posted is just emblematic of the absurd logic people will use to defend the rich.

@malwaretech the real threat was the billionaires we made along the way.

I really appreciate that the goblins in Shadow over Loathing use they them. 🥰

@heapwolf Do you have libsodium working in socket? Been talking to folks about getting hyperswarm stuff working but native libs seem to be a major blocker.

Anyone know of a tool that takes those two column PDFs that papers typically get formatted in and turn them into a one column HTML page?

Or even better, have a way to get the original LaTeX for papers from their ID. :P

Maybe my new years resolution will be to finally learn how to use Talon for talking to my computer. 🤔

A library is, at its heart, if it's any good, fundamentally about *reducing scarcity*. That is the ENTIRE PURPOSE of a library and at least *some* of the purpose of any librarian who is not a grade A asshole. NFTs are about *increasing scarcity*. FUNDAMENTALLY INCOMPATIBLE.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.