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Socket Runtime’s #p2p takes #wasm out of the cloud, beyond the edge, and makes it ubiquitous. “Edge” computing is just a half step on the historic path away from the costs and constraints of the data center.

I wish retirement wasn't just an option for the privileged but a mandatory thing for everyone. I feel like we could have more social progress if people (including those with power) would just vibe and relax for their final years before death.

Speaking to older people their perception and values in life change over time and we could all benefit by embracing it.

ZIP files are fun. You need to scan for 4 magic bytes starting from the end of the file. Then from there you can figure out how many bytes before that offset to start finding "file header offsets" in the rest of the file and the file names / sizes. But then you need to parse the file header offset to actually know where the file starts. :P

Very convoluted but I guess it could be worse.

I wish more folks I knew ran or a similar p2p browser so that I could send them p2p archives of web articles instead of raw links so that they could skip the paywall and adblocking bits on their end. 🤔

Just found out which family member I'm around is openly transphobic/homophobic. Very upsetting that this is top of their priority list vs all the stuff they can be happy about instead.

Alan Turing is widely recognized as a hero and a genius. He’s considered the father of theoretical computer science and AI.

But he was also a gay man whom the British government chemically castrated.

Turing killed himself because of the way his government treated him.

What more might he have done had he lived?

As this wave of hatred sweeps the US, I wonder how many gay and trans Alan Turings we’ve already lost, and how many we’ll continue to lose.

Power outage around my city from freezing rain. Luckily my cell connection still works. We couldn't cook anything so we ordered some take out. 5 of us sitting at the table chatting with the candle light.

I find myself saying "community-owned independent social media sites" rather than "fediverse" in mixed company because it gets a much better reaction (active interest rather than blank stares)

I realize that the venn diagram of the two does not overlap perfectly but the overlap is precisely the stuff I actually care about and I'd rather be inaccurate in a way that garners interest than similarly-inaccurate in a way that doesn't

Though TBH my initial approach would have been better for a purely streaming mode where we process and chunk the WARC file on the fly. Now I need to be able to do random access to a WARC either on the FS or via Range queries over the network.

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Due to my hubris I am in the process of rewriting my zip file parser from scratch. :P At least now I have experience using the particular APIs and the things I need to watch out for from using Blobs.

Really wish there was an OS that forced apps to decouple their data layer from their UI layer so that users could bring different UIs to the same data or combine multiple data providers in one Ui.

@koalie @w3c The bit of technology that makes the web overwhelming impactful in our lives is <a>, the link. Without hyperlinking, the web would not be the web. The link is everything.

Spent a few mins tonight messing with the Desktop Mode on my

So far so good! Running Manjaro with KDE for a few months seems to have prepped me well. Hopefully this weekend I can set up my dev environment. I now have sudo so the sky is the limit 🥰

3. Probably instead of the Nreal Air I'll get the since the app is installable in Canada and I like the look more. :P

Also seems about as compatible with my Steam Deck.

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TIL that the speed at which I use my TTS app for reading books is borderline incomprehensible to folks.

When I'm listening to it it feels like "normal speed" speech. When I lose focus or pay attention to regular sounds I hear it for what it is which is funky to think about.

I'm really excited to be presenting my work on using Datalog to build decentralized systems at @causalislands later this month, in Toronto!

It's a future of computing conference some of my colleagues are putting on, and the lineup is full of some fascinating talks by people like @edwinb, @maggie, and @jenn!

You can use my code for 20% off on tickets if you'd like to come: WILTON20

Testing Hubzilla again, one federating software i found, that installs on shared hosts with Cpanel, but w/o (real) root access.

The concept of a "nomadic entity" is enticing.

This is part of a grant project i 'm currently working on & to show, that we artists & musicians can do _much_ better in _not_ submitting our own audience to personalized user tracking etc.

We've to demonstrate through our own use of tech, how to do this right.

Please follow
@jrp for more.


It's incredible how much space is given to a few people in motor vehicles vs so many more people on foot or wheels. It's a vast inequity.

Nowhere is this more stark than #ShibuyaCrossing; the world's busiest pedestrian crossing with as many as 3,000 people crossing at a time. Compared to around 12 cars fromone direction of the junction in one sequence. #Urbanism #CitiesForPeople

Last year I sat looking at my psychologist, explaining that I couldn't come out as a #trans woman, because I couldn't face the hate that would come at me from every direction. She told me, bluntly, "Get off Twitter. The real world isn't like that."

Since I came out, other than keyboard warriors, I have been embraced and cared for in ways that I literally could not imagine, I have been accepted and loved well.

This afternoon, I sat face to face with some friends and had The Conversation, again. With the same outcome.

Acceptance, & support. Care for both my wife and I, as we grapple with something that I spent the last 7 years trying to avoid, for her sake above all else.

I've always tried to be authentic, consistent, and transparent (no pun intended).

I don't know if that's the reason that the people I've had The Conversation with have treated me the way they have, if I'm just privileged to know a bunch of wonderful folks, or if it's just that most Australians aren't transphobes, but this has been a blessing beyond words.

So this is my #TransJoy, and even though I know it may not always end up like this, I just wanted to share it.

I feel like I could like more if it wasn't full of glaring holes as soon as you get outside of the most mundane uses of .

Today's trouble has been brought to you by TypeScript not knowing that a WHATWG ReadableStream defines `[Symbol.asyncIterator]` for use with `for await`.

In JS I can just use it. For TS I now need to monkey patch definitions before I can run any code. I think it's reasonable to expect a "language" to at least support all it's built-in primitives.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.