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Ghost hunting is so cruel. They're already dead. Why do you have to kill them again? Are you even going to use it for ghost meat?

Here's what a CAR with a WebRecorder WACZ file chunked to split the contents looks like:

Each node is identified by part of it's hash and the number of bytes within it. Sadly this WARC doesn't have any deduplication in it, but larger datasets might!

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LMAO, it actually stands for "Content Addressable aRchive"

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Current programming mood:

Working on a thing that convers CAR (Content ARchive) files to dot files so that they can be rendered out to SVG.

Making this so I can debug some custom chunking errors I'm getting in @webrecorder

I got this little keyboard from my computer so that I can sit cross legged and have my hands on my lap instead of having to reach up for my keyboard and mouse. I'm also using this to augment my speech to text set up. basically, I use my voice for most of my typing and then this thing for keyboard shortcuts and turning my speech recognition on and off.

India first democracy to ban encrypted messaging apps on massive scale.

Only days before Press Freedom Day, India banned apps for secure communication because of "terrorists" use.

#india #democracy #element #briar #privacy

HUGE FUCK YOU TO THE MISERABLE ASSHOLE WHO COMPLAINED TO THE CITY ABOUT MY BIODIVERSE FRONT YARD. Got a "Notice to Clean" about "weed abatement" so I guess my meadow has to go to satisfy some spiteful NIMBY. I'm fuming, guys. #FuckALawn #FuckYourLawn

My partner is really enjoying the MP3 player I got them.

It's super liberating to be able to just drag whatever files onto your device from wherever you want without a bunch of extra hassle.

Really disappointed that Apple has so much shit in the way of just using the device. Bonkers how Apple nuts are convinced it's got better UX than alternatives. Maybe it's better if you're wealthy and only use Apple products and services for everything.

Ha, another proof how decentralized internet is a must!

Our Wizard Amigos learner from Pakistan just notified me he can't watch our workshop because there are protests against the government happening and the government of course shut down all the main sites (including youtube).

So... I just started transitioning all the workshop videos to the Peertube. And voila, Pakistan is back in business <3

Lol, just had a bug where I wasn't able to trigger to download a file from due to it being interpreted as a text file (it was a @webrecorder WACZ file).

To work around this I opened up the dev tools and set `document.body.innerHTML = '<a download href="ipfs://whatever/webarchive.wacz">Download</a>' which replaced the page with a link to trigger a download of the file.

Honestly, I wish all apps had a devtools feature so I could mess around with their guts.

by the way, I'm planning to switch two speech to text for most of my typing needs in the near future so expect my grammar to have a bunch of misplaced words.

also, I'm gonna stop bothering with capitalizing for the first letter of each sentence since I mostly using this for programming and that's adding the code for it would make coding more annoying.

one more thing on this topic, what's cool is that of this is pretty much how the protocol handles authentication.

it happens at the tls level and means there's less stuff that you need to do to authenticate a session and manage credentials.

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one thing that this thing is sorely missing though is a gps and a cellular modem. I still wish I could use map software to navigate around and I also wish I had more pile internet connection and access to my text messages without having to have a separate device for it

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using my smartphone feel so incredibly limiting after using my steam deck on the go. I think the main thing is that it's so much harder to customize and to use keyboard shortcuts that having to find the push and swipe all the time. especially now that I have my speech to text set up to a point where it's more useful. like, I had speech to text on my android at one point it's such a huge pain in the ass to make any customization to it. whereas on my deck I can just edit my python script

@mauve Omg, seriously. Back in 2016, when browsers started pulling support for generating client certs, I basically spent a year creating a new cross-domain authn system for the Solid Project (it relied solely on client certs before that).

But I still think about the kind of awesome world we could have had, had the vendors supported client certs properly. Just boggles the mind.

like the one where your identity is your mobile phone number right? making metadata really trivially attributable??? the one where you can't make an account using only a desktop computer? "doesn't suck"??

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.