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We shipped updated Debian packages as well as the prebuilts for desktop users.

One visible new feature is the addition of `env()` CSS variables usable as colors that will match the wallpaper. The extraction is done with and the usable tokens are listed here:

The system app and the home screen have been updated to use them, but any web page can also do the same!

wow, I can't believe how big the increase in the quality of life from the setting up this controller with my deck has been so far.

I had a lot of trouble switching between portable and docked mode since I'd lose all the nice controller features they went to keyboard and mouse the. now I can comfortably sit with the controller in my lap and do most of my navigating from there.

way less painful on my fingers too

instead of purchasing new controller or keyboard or whatever I've opted to set up my the old playstation four controller and the bluetooth keyboard attachment for it. what's really cool is that made it easy to get up and running with the touchpad acting as a mouse and the scroll wheel which makes navigating way easier. I also have the same key bindings as I do on my itself so it's easier to switch between them.

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But honestly I think what I really want is the keyboard bindings that Pop OS has for moving and resizing windows.

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K, after using it for a while, the Rii i8+ bluetooth keyboard isn't enough for my needs. Specifically the trackpad is hard to use for moving windows around. They keyboard is decent but I think what I really want is the trackpad from my steam deck but with a keyboard :x

Looks like I might recover by So-called Canada Day. 🥳

Tried browsing "The Face Book" today. The sheer number of ads and irrelevant algo bullshit was not impressive.

We are drafting our federation abuse policy for a vote in light of #fedipact and the inevitability of further systemically bad actors. A reminder that our instance runs on a form of consensus decisionmaking where all members are welcome to make proposals and call discussions. We keep each other safe: there are no bosses or managers on #neuromatchstodon, and the radical autonomy of ahierarchical organizing requires radical responsibility to each other. Your input is of equal status to all other members, and whatever contribution you are able to make is welcome.

The initial draft text is here:
Our members are welcome to join the discussion and help draft the policy either here or in the socialwg-fediblock channel in our discord. After giving some time to gather input and come to a rough place of agreement, we will call a vote with a 7-day window. Onboarding information including an invitation link to the discord and instructions re: joining the wiki are in your mastodon announcements.

Fedis on other instances are also welcome to give feedback here, since this is a policy that governs our interaction with other instances. Note that this is a very rough draft, so please be kind if we have missed something or have gotten something wrong.

in cooperation, -@jonny

low key considering creating my own shell which uses regular graphical text editing short cuts instead of the classic terminal based ones.

vent email spam 

maybe I should add language model to my mail server and have a way to auto respond and troll marketers. from some of these structures I assume that a lot of these marketing emails are already aI generated anyways

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Lol, I've been off just under a week and I have over a thousand notifications to catch up on 🙃

vent email spam 

To be clear, I love it when people email me to talk about stuff or to propose collaboration. I just find it incredibly disrespectful when it's obviously automated spam.

Like, if you can't dignify me with treating me as a person and instead treat me like an opaque resource, I'm just going to block your domain and be extra certain to avoid your project.

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vent email spam 

honestly fuck whoever added my email to this marketing list. I keep getting random assholes trying to sell me shit and offer their "services".

they don't even have the decency to have an unsubscribe link in their messages usually

Btw, I care a lot about safety, Pixelfed is the first AP project that allows users to disable comments, DMs from people you don't follow are hidden by default, and we support shared blocklists and several other features!

I've closed registration on several times, randomized the directory and mobile app onboarding.

I'm hellbent on ethical and sustainable growth.

You can come to your own conclusions, my actions speak for themselves.

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Still coofing but I woke up without a fever. Gonna finally start some self and living space maintenance to get back in the swing of things.

Great story about our efforts to bring secure curves to the WebCrypto API across all browsers with @igalia.

Also a story of how challenging it is to make progress on the web even when all browser engines have "we're positive on this" signals *and* you're willing to do most of the work.

I'm resurrecting my old FediDB developer tools to do some testing in Pixelfed, will be open sourcing the redesigned testing service soon!

This will make ActivityPub development much easier, and being able to test against other implementations without having to setup test instances is a game changer.

Last time I was this sick I didn't have nose piercings so it's been a fun struggle trying to manuver blowing my nose with these :P

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.