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When life gets tough, the tough get shitposting.

Wearing my wizard robe with my spells strapped to my face (my deck). Casting evil spells (activitypub implementation) and imbibing wicked elixers (energy drinks).

Gotta wizard max to focus through this cold and meet my deadlines

for more "is it ok to punch nazis" discourse check out my friend @nasser 's gem of a game "Dialogue 3-D" :

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My house's cat is having lil shivers in her sleep and I'm giving her more comfort to sweeten her dreams.

Very thankful to get to hang with such sweet creatures.

Autistic authors writing neurotypical characters:

"They were the kind of person who read between the lines without even knowing the lines were there.

A natural smile played on the face of their un-headphoned head, and they functioned executively down the stairs."


This is also why e.g. the horrible ecosystem of recipe sites is what it is: the most useful content has long ago stopped being what you find through Google. But Google needs a captive audience of regular ad-fee-payers, which in turn is who gets featured.

Much like Amazon only posting products from those vendors who pay, Google is simply selling your eyeballs directly.

That process of capture is basically complete, is what I'm saying, and has been for some time now.

Heads up to any and developers out there: If you aren't already you should be using the Node Version Manager utility since a lot of projects need either an older or newer version of node and you'll have a bad time if you only use the system installed version.

`nvm use 16` saved me hours of debugging why Splunk's build tools weren't working recently :P

mental health 

A thing that I had a lot of my hopes riding on got cancelled yesterday and my mental house of cards is toppling. I've got so much on my plate for the next few weeks and it's gonna be rough.

Thankfully I am powerful and resilient and will get through it.

Maybe instead of "a new web browser" I should be making "a new app" which fulfills some of my fave bits of the web.

E.g. structured content, small interactive apps, cross platform.

Probably my fourth time playing through jazzpunk and it just doesn't get old.

I think it's only just clicking for me that the death of the web is upon us. Instead of "googling" for stuff folks are searching on tiktok, instead of indexable forums there's closed discord communities. In fact apps and services are becoming locked within proprietary apps like discord. Paired with "ai" language models creating infinite web spam the whole thing is becoming less useful for the average person.

windows users really paying like 100$ for an unusable operating system meanwhile with linux you don't need to pay anything for an unusable operating system 😎

like local-first software, the current state of the web is google-first software

Shoutout to past me for all the build tool BS it had to go through so that present me is more comfortable setting stuff up from scratch. Few things feel as good as throwing out hundreds of megabytes of confusing react/bable/webpack/lerna corposhit for a single build command and a static html file. :P

Let’s say it loud and clear:

There’s nothing wrong with promoting your small business, your art, books, your services on mastodon or any other social media.

Self promotion is not an ad!

It’s being part of a community.

People have to it. Other people might need and want the good stuff their community members might offer.

Mutual support and buying from your community members is good, wholesome and necessary.

Boost if you agree, so creators feel welcomed to self promote here

In June I went to DWeb Camp. In August I finally finished my post about the experience :

I've mentioned this but I'm gonna make a real post.

If you are setting up Windows 11, select "English (World)" as your language (English Europe also works), and you will have NONE of the third party bloatware installed.

No Candy Crush, no Netflix, just the first party apps

Please do share this info with anyone who may be setting up Windows soon

Something has gone very wrong with my PiHole... running stupid DNS right now, and my god advertising is a plague on the internet.

How do people use this?

body pains 

The flesh really do be deteriorating. I've slowed the destruction of my front paws somewhat but a lot of other parts haven't been addressed yet. Maybe access to gym equipment to strengthen it will help a bit. Some of my pals swear by running so maybe there's a balance there that I can take vs the pain. Maybe eventually it'll be mild enough that I can sleep comfortably.

the only reason i am "smart" is because a traumatic childhood forced me to fill my time with computer touching, and i dont know how to feel about this

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.