Ok, ok… I recycle, I compost, I bring my own bag to the grocery store. But hear me out, what if maybe, just maybe, WE GET THE G-20 TO REDIRECT THE $1.3 TRILLION IN ANNUAL FOSSIL FUEL SUBSIDIES TOWARDS SOLAR, WIND, AND GEOTHERMAL?!?
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! (Gift link, no paywall)
You’re doing it wrong: Recycling and other myths about tackling climate change https://wapo.st/45PsQZb
I feel like humans being persistence hunters carries over in my hunt for making code work. I'm out here tracking the functioning configuration through the potential space of all possible code and sweating up a storm not to overheat.
"aha, the import didn't work due to a version conflict" is pretty much the same as "Aha here's a tuft of gazelle fur on this branch" or whatever
Luckily I am a wizard and have made NPM and Node.js do things so depraved that a mere typescript inconvenience cannot stop me 😈
The stuff I've done to make stuff build for react-native and cordova qualifies for one of those "This Place is not a Place of Honor" signs.
Now some dependency's build system for typescript got busted and it doesn't have the transpiled JS available in the dist folder. And of course NPM decides it has to preemptively update all my dependencies when I try to install an unrelated new one. 🙃
Is this really worth it? Hours wasted dealing with build systems to catch bugs that would be caught by a linter and unit tests anyway?
Gosh typescript brings me so much needless suffering sometimes. 😅
The real pain is when it refuses to run when the equivalent in regular JS would work. Like, I promise you the types match up just trust me bro. I think I'd find it less frustrating if it wasn't wrong so often.
Type 'ReadableStream<Uint8Array>' is missing the following properties from type 'ReadableStream<any>': values, [Symbol.asyncIterator]
35 const parser = Readable.fromWeb(response.body)
Fun fact! You can now follow @mauve@staticpub.mauve.moe which is one of the first accounts using the #DistributedPress #ActivityPub #SocialInbox project.
We're finalizing our release so expect more info on how it works shortly!
For folks that don't want to mess with the technical details, keep wacth for @sutty which is integrating this functionality into their static site #CMS using Jekyll!
FTR Ive been running a HP Pro Slimline (cost 30 euros second hand from marktplaats) with 8 gb ram and 500 gb disk for 2 years out of my house. The machine is probably 5 - 10 years old at a guess. I upgraded from 4gb ram to 8gb after one year for a blistering 20 euros.
The server hosts a software called foodsoft and powers the ordering system of a local food co-operative (https://biobulkbende.org) which currently has around 80 members (including myself) ordering between 800 - 2000 euros worth of dry goods and local veggies (within 15 km of Rotterdam) every month since around 2 years.
I do 1 to 2 hours of routine server and app maintenance every odd month. We have a working group for taking care of stuff at the food co-op. Ive not noticed any issues with my home connection (e.g. slowness). I don't notice any extraordinary costs on my energy bill.
Members like that their data is literally around the corner and they can just call us up if something weird happens. I even invited people over to see the server.
I think this machine could probably support a couple of hundred more folks from the neighbourhood.
We don't need data centers or IT companies or technical "experts"!
@mauve will download it for sure when it is out. Love to hear how you think about the power dynamics. I’ve been somewhat keeping track: https://chadkohalyk.com/2023/08/10/lofi-software-and-inverting-our-relationship-to-the-cloud/
I've got a #book recommendation! Hierarchy in the Forest by Christopher Boehm.
It shows some examples of top-down and bottom-up hierarchy in human and primate societies and how they get maintained. I found it interesting from the perspective of how to maintain egalitarian #anarchist organizations by avoiding certain failure modes.
If you can't afford it and don't have it in your local library definitely don't download it through annas-archive dot org!
Just got off a podcast recording for https://www.futureproof.so/
Really excited for this series to come out so I can hear what some of the other folks had to say!
Got into how my view of politics relates to local-first software and power dynamics.
I'm pretty excited to get #BauldersGate3 once there's a sale for the PS5 version. Been seeing lots of hype and I've been wanting to get lost in another rpg.
even more pumped for Broken Reality 2000 whenever that comes out. I absolutely loved the first one and I bet the sequel will give me some of the same feels. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2133850/Broken_Reality_2000/
IMO the most perfect game I've played in the past few years was Donut County. It's short and sweet and made me feel warm and fuzzy (like a raccoon!)
I really love cute indie games that I can play on my playstation (this is an invitation for recommendations!)
Outer Worlds is a neat game but I remember feeling kinda dissapointed in how short it was. I managed to 100% it in much less time than I expected and there wasn't that much in terms of replay value. I think especially compared to Borderlands 3 which I played around the same time. #gaming
@TheGibson I was one of the sysadmins at a university in a previous life. We had a very diverse set of systems, and a lot of computers spread across the entire campus. They were all centrally managed, and we had a whole lot of scripts to make common tasks easier.
One day, one of the printers in one of the offices two buildings away was replaced, the new one slightly different than the old. We went there to check that it's working, and it prints and all that, standard procedure, even though all printers were connected to the uni's Samba network. It was simply easier to go there and do a test print, in case anything goes wrong. Calling them on the phone was a hassle for everyone involved.
We had Procedures in place, and one of them was to do a test print from a remote machine to make sure everything's properly connected. We didn't have laptops, so the only way to do a remote print was to log into a unix system back in our department, and do a test print from there. We had a script for that, too! You gave it an office name, a printer name, and a set of files, and it sent the print jobs to the targeted printer, one file at a time, waiting for each to finish before starting the next.
I logged into a unix system, and used one of our scripts to do a test print: tools/test-print foo.txt -o office -p printer
A few seconds later, the printer started to print. So did the other printer in the office. And all other printers on campus. All other printers connected to the network. There were about a thousand printers involved in this. Some of them in another city.
You see, I was - and still am - a Linux guy. I'm used to being able to mix named and positional parameters. Whoever wrote this script wasn't. It looked for options first, then started to print the files given as positional parameters, one by one, waiting until the print job finished on all affected printers.
If no printer was specified, it defaulted to sending to all printers in the office (there was usually only one printer in an office, so this made it easier to do a test print). If no office was given, it defaulted to all of them (this script was originally written when there were only two offices on the network).
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.