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Talking to a friend today who works at a BigCo that uses TypeScript. Personally, I think TS is a tax on developers’ time and attention. They mentioned they were initially unproductive with TS, but it's smooth sailing now. I responded, “Yes, but you work at a big company, you can have dedicated TS teams.”

Their response:

Local politician's ad just said: "And I'll lower taxes to help out the working class."

Umm.... taxes HELP the working class. Better roads, better transit, better social nets and programs.... all of that helps the working class.

Lowering taxes only helps the corporate, rich, and ruling class.

Now libraries are getting hit in Canada:

"She said the 'book banning people' have attended almost all board meetings since trustees voted down the review."

"...the recent scale and tone of these recent challenges mimics what is happening in the United States – albeit to a lesser extent – where religious and political activism has led to widespread book bans. "

@mauve @evan @bengo Ideally i think corporations would not be at the table at all. that doesnt seem realistic though. if we try to exclude them altogether they'll just lie their way in. At least with W3C you need a confirmed corporate email address to join, so others can check your profile to see who you are affiliated with.

@evan @mauve @bengo more widespread is great. but if Threads attracts enough users to become the dominant player in the Fediverse, they could start closing it off or changing it in favor of themselves and to the detriment of others. So i'd like to see a diverse array of small to medium sized orgs and companies or communities embracing AP instead. the involvement of large corporations makes me uneasy.

One thing the fediverse has that email doesn't is communities that care about their instance. I genuinely think this is it's biggest strength to combat centralization.

My hot take is that the and specs are fine. Having some more standards for working with groups might be nice but honestly I'm happy with how much folks are able to do already and how many implementations are out there that can work together. This is from a few months of working on a new implementation. Honestly there's been a decent amount of docs spread around the place to go off of.

lol looks like my household is infested with covid so I can't socialize for a lil while 🥲


Growing a start-up bro with half baked ideas full of the most recent buzzwords on my back so I can get venture capital.

By modulating air through a series of slits he makes sounds like:

"A I..."

When they try to hand him checks I reach out and grab them from underneath.

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I'm pretty glad that the number of things I'm deeply stressed about had been cut down by like 60% over thr past couple weeks 😅 Sadly some things are looming and out of my control but at least I can check off some of the ones I can actually influence.

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My lease got approved so I can stop stressing about it 🥳🥳🥳

hex editor but it’s for digital spellbooks

Downloadable software is great because you can keep using it if you like it and the developers have to make you like their new thing enough to buy it.
Beats these SaaS landlords that charge you money to install cameras in your bathroom and won't fix the A/C.

Don't rush over to Godot Engine, it's not really advanced enough to buy Wētā Workshop or integrate gambling or spyware platforms into it's runtime

Waydroid is working in stardust again (that UV edge wrapppp)

writing documentation on the new stuff I've been doing with and and listening to this electronic music artist from Paris.

not sure what it is but french people know electronic music 🥰

gender stuff (positive) 

I used to get frustrated a lot by folks misgendering me back before I came out as non-binary. It didn't matter too much but it was like I wasn't performing gender well enough and folks would give me a hard time about it.

Now I go to the pizza place and get sir and mammed minutes apart by different employees and it just makes me giggle since I can sit comfortably in my androgny.

Also when folks they/them me without needing to have to spell it out for them. 🥰

Compaints have now been reduced to grumblings. Still hurts to type though :P Doing a bunch of docs today so I'll see if I can do the bulk via STT

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.