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We know libraries are under threat from the culture wars, but few have noticed that private equity is preying for libraries and publishers, too—and using employee ownership to justify it.

This is a super important story—reported by someone I love:)

The food delivery robots that are zipping across Los Angeles are also providing camera footage they capture to the LAPD.

What's your default posting visibility?

Boost to make even less scientific.

Some lady gave me her number cause we sat together and chatted and I got to jump ahead 20 spots 🥰

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Waiting at the canadian DMV. Over 40 people ahead of me 💀 might go back home and get my deck so I can at least do some coding

#Google is trying again to convince you, YES YOU, to contribute for free to Google Maps.
Please don't.
It is 100% #proprietary, Google has full control over the data you added and people can only access Google Maps over proprietary channels where Google dictates the rules. This gives them too much power.

Contribute to #OpenStreetMap instead, it's a project by the community, for the community.

#OSM #GoogleMaps #PSA #scam #capitalism #OpenData

Don't remember where I found this but I think about it a lot.

A question for non-profit people - are comprehensive fiscal sponsorships (where the fiscally sponsored group doesn't actually have an entity) really that common? I admit this is new to me but secondary sources suggest that this format is more common than ones where the smaller group has their own entity.

Edited: Thank you folks - definitely my experience has involved over-lawyered orgs! Not a shocking outcome. :)

all software is open source if you’re good enough at social engineering :neofox_floof:

Also, in case it wasn't obvious, fuck student loans. Education should be free.

Are you working in the intersection of security and usability? Would $10K help you in your work? Then you should apply for this year's Norm Hardy Prize! (feel free to repost this)

I love the irony of getting an "are you human" captcha then realizing that the entire article I clicked on was 100% AI generated

CF is amassing a lot of power. With 30% of all Internet Traffic going through CF and them decrypting all HTTPS traffic at the Edge...and able to change any or all of it transparently. This extract from CF's blog reads like a Government/Thread Actor's dream come true....

Casual listening to pack the last of my belongings to.

i think Igorrr is my fave band right now.

Game dev is the bizarro world where everything you've learned in high school is still relevant.

Anarchists don’t have to agree on a best way of doing things or to find single answers to questions about the future. Anarchism won’t come to pass when enough people agree on how to live anarchically but rather when enough people feel the price for any other way of life is too high, too bloody. It’s not a single best way of doing things, it’s what’s left when the cops are gone. It’s what free people can build on that foundation.

#Anarchism #Anarchy #Abolition #PoliceAbolition #TheAnarchistLibrary

Google killing off their basic HTML version of Gmail due to basic HTML not including 'full feature functionality' seems like code for 'we don't make ad revenue off this version'.

We relied on the basic HTML version while doing arctic fieldwork in 2017 using low bandwidth satellite internet. Gone were extraneous graphics and junk ads getting served - just mail. It's also no longer possible to auto sort messages in the full version without enabling tracking to serve ads.

@lePetomaneAncien @futurebird @natty @neckspike @adamp Yeah, we're getting "right to repair" for mobile phones, but not for medical devices people rely on to be functional members of society

it's pretty wild that our species has pets. like, I just have a little creature that lives in my house and kills bugs and stuff. and we just hang sometimes and I like to trigger it's hunting instinct for fun. literally I have a plants growing outside my house that is a sort of drug just for this species and sometimes and bring it in as a little treat

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.