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Fucks me up when I read a blog post or article or something and it makes my cpu/gpu go grazy with some rabdom js rendering thing which is totally unnecessary to the actual content 💀💀💀💀

*goes to the new patreon dot com main front page*
[it immediately makes the browser use 50% of my CPU]
this is a lot of CPU for a web page. web developers, are you all right? is this a cry for help, sent through the distributed medium of computer fans suddenly spinning up to cope with the sudden spike? should we comb through the HTML for hints as to where the hostages are?

everything keeps getting worse. websites designed by people on brand new macbooks who aren't running anything except a text editor and 1 chrome tab. if it doesn't peg a core then it must be good to go

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man. the new github code view is laggy jank too. browsing code on github used to take the occasional manual step to search for a symbol i guess, but now the whole experience sucks constantly and the symbol lookup doesn't work anyway

“we can’t find any good candidates for this role” you’re auto-rejecting people with 20 years experience because they don’t have a degree and then AI-sorting the rest by how Jared their name is

5,000 games are available for PICO-8 on alone.

If this number is accurate, that means PICO-8 has a bigger game library than the NES. And that also means the PICO-8’s library is competitive with the Commodore 64’s library—which is also huge.

This is incredible considering that few people have ever owned a PICO-8 console. But now I want one.

Hey folks! I'll be doing an AMA about and how it works with the on discord in about three hours.

feel free to join us here:

Today I found out that google docs infects html exports with spyware, no scripts, but links in your document are replaced with invisible google tracking redirects. I was using their software because a friend wanted me to work with him on a google doc, he is a pretty big fan of their software, but we were both somehow absolutely shocked that they would go that far.

One thing Anna doesn't lack is ambition:

"A year ago, we set out to answer this question: What percentage of books have been permanently preserved by shadow libraries?


"And ideally we don’t just have a number, but actual metadata. Then we can not only match them against shadow libraries, but also create a TODO list of remaining books to preserve! We could even start dreaming of a crowdsourced effort to go down this TODO list.

Feeling really good this week. Got my living stuff figured out. Tying up some stuff in my work life. Social connections going strong and finding cadances there. Very thankful to be out of the hole.

Total student loan debt that would have been erased for millions of Americans: $400 billion

Total cost of the Trump tax cuts that largely benefited the wealthy and corporations: $1.9 trillion

This is what I mean when I say the system is rigged.

Google analytics and captcha are malware that website authors force onto themselves and users and it's fucked up how normalized it is.

The year is 2029. I have lost my job because programmers have been replaced by LLMs and badly paid "fine tuners." So, now I'm selling CDs out of my trenchcoat. On these CDs is a text-only archive of Wikipedia which I downloaded in 2017, burned on an old laptop that has been airgapped ever since. (All other repositories of knowledge have since been irrecoverably corrupted by LLMs.)

Every single person should be able to receive basic food and housing from a gigantic, mountain-sized omelette at a fixed position on the map; labor should only be required to obtain luxuries beyond what is naturally provided by the giant omelette. This is just so intuitively obvious, to someone born between 1983 and 1990

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@n1ckfg @futurebird I'm still upset that eInk wasn't more of a thing. The battery life of devices using them was positively incredible. I had a Pebble watch (still have it) and it was so nice and premium. I loved having an always on screen that had virtually no effect on (an already great) battery life. Phones and tablets are actually great examples of the kinds of devices that would most benefit from a more modern, better quality eInk screen. A HUGE portion of battery lost is to the screen

The owners of Neopets were trying to indoctrinate us in Scientology and NFTs but it backfired and instead what it taught us was "everyone is entitled to one free omelette per day" and that's why now all millennials are socialists

One of the most remarkable things to me about all these studies that turn out to have misused data, etc., is that most researchers apparently keep incredibly poor records; there's no audit history for changes; Excel is somehow the gold standard. I guess that's true in business, but I somehow thought there would be university, journal, and professional standards that required very specific one-way archiving of data, etc.

@wolf480pl CloudFlare isn't a profitable company. Their bandwidth is paid for by investor money and has been for ages.

Eventually investors will stop (most likely now when the economy is going to hell) and they have to make money, and turn corrupt. which is why you should keep as far away from it as possible before it happens.

This is the same chain of events that recently happened to sites like Reddit
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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.