i am available for software contracting work via my cooperative @emma! i have 10+ years of experience in game design and development on desktop/mobile/consoles, VR/AR, museum installations, compilers/language/VMs, front end/backend web development, and distributed systems -- among others. if you need software work done please reach out and i would love to figure out how i can be of service! you'll also be supporting a democratic worker-owned business in the process 💪
Link via @psilocervine on Cohost: Some investigative journalism inside Unity's road to briefly introducing a company-destroying "install fees" policy last month.
The most interesting takeaway here is the whole disaster really was just IronSource, who merged with Unity last year, puppeting the company into destroying IronSource's competitor AppLovin at all costs. An entire art form is a pawn to be sacrificed in a fight between two adtech companies you've never heard of
As a profesional todo list (with extra steps) maker this is a useful development for me 😎👉👉
Fug, I think I am a cranky old fart type already because I like to write code closer to the metal instead of using all the fancy new tooling.
Maybe I should swallow my pride and install vscode and try copilot or whatever it is kids these days are using.
Also I'm still using nano for all my text editing so I might be imposing a deeper limitation on myself than most minimalists. :P
Tomorrow's DWeb meetup will be hosted by @mai with talks by:
* Kevin Nguyen about our DWeb Node organizing work
* Bruno Vianna about DWeb+Coolab Camp
* @mauve + fauno of @sutty about Distributed.Press
* David Casey of Funding the Commons
* Guo Liu about ZuSocial Hacker House happening this month in Istanbul
We'll end with an informal hang on Gather.town
Hope you can join us !
I stumbled upon Standard Ebooks last year, and they're awesome! If you have a common type of e-reader for books, you can pick up books from them that have gone past their copyright dates.
I read some Voltaire and Herman Melville from them last year and their formatting is fantastic.
Gonna start pasting the entire bee movie script whenever a marketing chatbot pops up while I'm trying to read a page.
For reference: https://pastebin.com/raw/e90ZUNtD
Hopefully they get billed per word.
Low key wish Github would stop adding features. The changes this year have made things way slower and more buggy. Now I have the pleasure of the "submit review" button not working anymore which is a pretty big chunk of my job. :P
It could be related to my ad blocker not letting them log every single action I take to their analytics though.
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.