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Just published a new module for doing signed HTTP requests for in for

This wraps over the `fetch` API that's typically used in browsers but is now available in node.

Wish I had more time to invest into fixing the tools I depend on. Every feature is a thing that can break and a workflow that might need to be adjusted.

Still worth it to not have to jump between a bunch of apps and "slack workspaces" to get my work done. :P

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silicon valley VCs' best ideas of the 2020s:
-put a drone on something
-wrongness generator 3000 (uses more energy than a small nation)
-space pollution
-self-crashing cars
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in another country
-an app that is actually criminally underpaid workers in this country
-vrchat but it cost 20x to make and it fucking sucks

And of course it *had* to clear all my settings again. 🙃

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Ugh the Element Matrix client is so annoying. It randomly freezes up and starts eating all my CPU and freezing my render thread and then has the gall of corrupting it's state and needing me to do a full sync again. (which takes tens of minutes because it wants to load every single message/user/room or something.

Uuugh, colds suck. Had to cancel all my plans this week cause I don't wanna infect people.

i am available for software contracting work via my cooperative @emma! i have 10+ years of experience in game design and development on desktop/mobile/consoles, VR/AR, museum installations, compilers/language/VMs, front end/backend web development, and distributed systems -- among others. if you need software work done please reach out and i would love to figure out how i can be of service! you'll also be supporting a democratic worker-owned business in the process 💪


Link via @psilocervine on Cohost: Some investigative journalism inside Unity's road to briefly introducing a company-destroying "install fees" policy last month.

The most interesting takeaway here is the whole disaster really was just IronSource, who merged with Unity last year, puppeting the company into destroying IronSource's competitor AppLovin at all costs. An entire art form is a pawn to be sacrificed in a fight between two adtech companies you've never heard of

Fun fact, I am young enough that homestuck was a formative experience in that it got me more into programming. 😅

As a profesional todo list (with extra steps) maker this is a useful development for me 😎👉👉

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It's amazing how much money companies have managed to make from glorified todolist / blog post viewers when that is such a miniscule part of what computers can do.

Watching Hackers with my partner finally. God I love this movie.

There's a special hell for sites which have password requirements that are like 16 letters, one or more numbers, upper case and lowercase, at least one special character, and we disabled pasting/password managers

Fug, I think I am a cranky old fart type already because I like to write code closer to the metal instead of using all the fancy new tooling.

Maybe I should swallow my pride and install vscode and try copilot or whatever it is kids these days are using.

Also I'm still using nano for all my text editing so I might be imposing a deeper limitation on myself than most minimalists. :P

Kinda wild that after years of people being stuck in zoom calls we still need to constantly be like "Can you hear me now?" or "Oh, you're muted" or folks leaving their mic on while loudly typing.

I am guilty of all these things, FWIW. >:P

love documentation pages that you can just download as an html file and view + use offline

Tomorrow's DWeb meetup will be hosted by @mai with talks by:

* Kevin Nguyen about our DWeb Node organizing work
* Bruno Vianna about DWeb+Coolab Camp
* @mauve + fauno of @sutty about Distributed.Press
* David Casey of Funding the Commons
* Guo Liu about ZuSocial Hacker House happening this month in Istanbul

We'll end with an informal hang on

Hope you can join us !

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.