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Anyone know of folks to follow for info about or in general? I wanna go outbto see stuff more often but I basically never see ads anymore.

infosec best practice in 2023: do not use or install any software

Looking at my own default algorithmic feed, I see 50% posts about nikki haley, 25% hot takes about electoral politics, and then ~10% of high follow accounts posting whatever, ~10% (delightful) shitposts. It's hard for me to summarize my fedi feed because every post is about a wildly different thing, there are definitely clusters from someone boosting a lot of things rapidfire, but yeah very much a mix. It used to be true that most of the fedi just talked about computers or (delightful) indecipherable trans stuff, but that has definitely changed.

I do think there is something missed by not having 'my friends see similar things to me and so we have a shared information diet' but i do not think that making it so everyone sees the same thing is the answer to that.

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Checking in on whether #bluesky / #atproto has become any more like a communication medium, and... nope. almost unchanged since i looked at it last in June. Bluesky is a spectator platform where a small number of accounts receive most of the visibility and smaller accounts are effectively invisible. The introduction of new feed algorithms (to the degree that happened, there aren't really many that I can find in wide use) did not change that. This is a non-normative analysis: in some cases, it is good to have a medium that promotes some very small number of posts and accounts, eg. to surface singular events, etc.

From a 25h sample of the firehose...
- 600k posts, 2.4m likes, 250k boosts, 350k follows
- 40% of posts receive 0 likes, 70% receive <= 1
- accounts in the 99th percentile of likes received 44% of likes, accounts in the 95th percentile received 74%
- 40% of posts were from accounts within the top 95th percentile of accounts by likes received.
- the maximum number of likes for a post by an account not in the top 95% is 32.

The first plot below shows the cumulative sum of likes received on the y axis against each account in the sample on the x axis - this includes accounts that didnt' post during the sample (but would still have posts that could be liked, so this also shows the extreme recency bias). The second plot is a hockeystick showing the number of likes (*not* cumulative sum) received on the y axis per post on the x axis.

For background, the default algorithm only cares about likes, boosts don't matter, which is why i am calculating things by likes here - they are the primary algorithmic signal.

These are the same calculations that I did back in June, but this time i'm leaving the firehose open to do a longer sample to be able to parse momentary virality from persistent effects.

edit: more on "where is the fedi comparison" and "why is it like this"

Haven't booted my pooter since Sunday. Feels good to mostly be in human mode hanging with my partners and cats. 🥰 Also finally covid free (for now?)

Do you know anyone looking for a job that wants to travel and problem solve? Looking for someone with a software dev background who is ready to do more people facing work. This is not a full time coding job, more like 30% coding 70% whiteboarding, teaching, debugging, pair programming.

Wallace and Gromit are in a queer platonic relationship

Skibidi Toilet Literary Analysis 

here's what autoplayed after I caught up. If I were a parent I don't think I'd feel comfortable with my child watching stuff like this.

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Skibidi Toilet Literary Analysis 

It's kind of messed up that after the leaders od the toilets are killed the viewer is compelled to go in a d kill off the remai ing toilets rather than claiming their twrritory or whatever. Like a take no prisoners, leave nobody alive stance. (ep 66)

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The cops being part of the skibidi toilets is what I don't really get. There's no cops of any other species. Is this supposed to be pro "whatever group you're in" instead of the military run by the state?

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I'm not sure what the viewer donning headphones is suppoaed to signify. The buffed out enemy toilets wear them too. It blocks the effects of loudspeakers that don't care about who they damage on the battlefield. I guess loudspeakers are a tenporary ally and not the same tribe as the viewer?

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Now it's just a bunch of shots of the viewer killing toilet heads with gun and getting a thumbs up salute for their good work. With rows of other camera heads doing the salute beside you.

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i hope the viewer is supposed to realize that the tv heads are the bad guys here.

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In episode 41 it starts being in landscape mode. People that got baited by the shorts are now watching this on their own time and are invested in the lore. Lots of themes of "big brother will kill those toilet heads for you". Useful as a slur to use at whatever "the enemy" is

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in skibidi toilet # 35,this is when the viewer gets enlistedto join in killing the toilets that live in other cameraheads heads using a gun. They also solidify an "in group" hand gesture of a thumbs up. Useful as a dog whistle.

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Hot take: is full of military and pro war propaganda. Though it could just be a reflection of the authors culture rather than something done on purpose. For some thinking in military propaganda is like breathing clean air.

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Jeeze I feel really bad for the toilets tho. The camera heads are basically genociding them using state violence. Though they paint the toilets as the scary ones to justify why it's okay to reduce then to vermin.

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it's interesting how it makes the viewer associate with the camera heads and how the viewer is just abother camera seeing it happen. Similar to how within our society we viewers are being reduced to cameras filming each other. In a aense we are but we have such different views on the global set of all things that may be viewable on one instant.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.