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I am very pleased to be able to share that I've been awarded a grant by NLnet Foundation's #NGI Zero program (@NGIZero)

You can read all about it in my most recent blog post:

Looks like I've misplaced my Arduino over the past 10 years of moves. 😰 Time to get a new one I guess!

Ahhb this is where an FPAA would be great to do some preliminary signal processing to make it easier to find just thw spikes I need to send the microcontroller

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How fucked up would it be to use JavaScript on a microcontroller to read from EMGs to give me a new usb mouse/keyboard that's just a bunch of wires I strap to myself?

Probably not for typing any time soon but maybe for window manager shortcuts and moving my cursor?

This was around when coffeescript was a thing and transpilers were all the rage.

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Fun fact one of my first public speaking things was the Otrawa Ruby meetup where I was showing folks how to compile ruby to run in web browsers :P

Honesrly the "niche computer stuff" fandom seems pretru chill compared to a lot of them. People aren't gonna get that heated about shipping a php+js app or whatever.

Many yearn for the "good old days" of the web. We could have those good old days back — or something even better — and if anything, it would be easier now than it ever was.

#web #newsletter #CitationNeeded

Finally got it to a usable state. Still need to copy over a bunch of configs and secrets but the SMB integration in Dolphin seems busted so I'll need to do a bit more there

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Well I got the day off work today and decided it was a good time to switch operating system distros from to

I decided to go with the ultra minimal setup with no built in desktop environment so I'll be building one up from scratch. Gonna start by experimenting with Niri and seeing how far I can get with it

disconcerting that "reading a lot of code and thinking really hard" is still unparalleled as a way to find bugs

Riot Medicine is a full length text book covering the practice of evidence-informed street medicine. It's most intended for those without medical training

Riot Medicine Bridge Guide is intended for healthcare workers who want to join social movements and use their medical skills to help others.

There are other shorter guides like the Riot Medicine Field Guide, Basic First Aid for Emergencies, and the micro zine Street Medics' Checklist.

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Can't get this "Skibidi Fortnite" song out of my head. 💀

The best part about programming is when things appear on the screen

I just absolutely love that "If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Manage It", a dogmatic truism attributed to men with Big Management Brains, is merely a fiction embraced by the corporate world.

I think as web developers we have been collectively brainwashed into thinking that you must use React and Tailwind to create websites, when all you really need are vanilla web standards and a text editor. We should be making it easier to make websites than it is right now. You should not need a PhD in web design to create something that you can share and express yourself. We need more tools that make web development easy, not more tools that turn it into some 10 step build process #webdev

Anyone wanna pay me to make an inspired p2p database?

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.