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I am currwntly picking fights with the big bad aliens to work through some emotions 😈 Investing in shields paid off.

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Excited by the prospect of making some more local-first tech for communities that stand to gain the most harmony with the approach. Data should live with us like ideas and cultural norms instead of ivory towers that decide to give us glimpses on their rent seeking terms.

34 hours in no mans sky. What have I been doing? Who knows 🤷

love how companies eventually just all give up making anything and just go to rent seeking

Love how these need to take totally different interpretations for the symbol `.`


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I wish programming languages just settled on S-expressions and called it a day. Code analysis and parser writing can be such a PITA :P

God I hate MacOS's security features. I just want to run a friggen binary for some quick tests. needing to go through code signing or explaining way too many steps of settings tweaking is so exhausting. I wish I didn't have to deal with mac users so often for work.

Got myself a giant rhino beetle friend so I've been riding it around lookin for treasure

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If I eveer get a brain scan it'd be cool to do two where I meditate to get full awareness of my body and another where I detach from it to just be in my mind's eye and do a diff on the states.

I should really commit my dotfiles before the next time my pooter gets borked.

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Finally got around to updating my waybar config to have a thingie to show the current phase of the moon. 🥰

Been playin a lot of no mans sky to unwind lately

Coding in rust makes me feel so stupid :P

It seems I need to place the mutex into an arc after all?

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is a lot more reasonable. :P

let mut tunnels1 = tunnels1.lock().await.unwrap();

Ain't it funky

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Here I thought I was some rust hotshot but then I need to share a mutable value between threads.

`Arc<Option<Mutex<TunnelManager>>>` is one hell of a type. :P

This post brought to you by the Minima blockchain whitepaper. But honestly it seems every single neat protocol is doing this.

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As a...
- Cat
I want to...
- Go in to a box
So that I can...
- Sit in the box


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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.