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My team at has a new page describing our work. Give it a peep and feel free to reach out if you want to collab with us on your projects.

Had some soup and feel a bit less stressed by code now. 🤪

OK so:

your polycule has a keyserver; the keyserver generates one of the major arcana ( a value from 0 to 21 ) every day.

every member of your polycule has one of the major arcana assigned to them randomly as a key ( a value from 0 to 21 )

when you meet over a channel that needs authentication, draw a random major arcana ( choose a random value from 0 to 21 ) and use that value to challenge the other person.

They will take that value, add the polycule daily value and your secret value, and then return the answer mod 21 encoded as a tarot card. You can then verify they know your card value, and they can auth you in the same way.

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tech industry commentary 

tech companies: we're firing everyone!!!!

society: <new large scale tech disaster every 4-6 weeks>

also tech companies, apparently: we can't fill any of these jobs??

people applying to tech jobs: i get about 1 interview per 4000 applications, the last one asked if i had ever programmed in 'windex' and hung up when i said that's a cleaning product

What's your fave number? I think I'm really into 256 lately. I set that as a default page size on a healthcare UI thing and people got super confused as to why it'd be such a specific number 🤪

My favorite part of fedi is that most folks I interact with IRL don't use it and would never come across my posts 🥰

See the approach is to target the repair drones first so that the enemy becomes killable. then you target the summoners to limit how fast the reinforcements get there, then you fight the big bad and scavange ammo/heals from the regular drones as you run around dodging lasers. It helps when you avoid fighting in the middle of a firestorm tho 😅

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I am currwntly picking fights with the big bad aliens to work through some emotions 😈 Investing in shields paid off.

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Excited by the prospect of making some more local-first tech for communities that stand to gain the most harmony with the approach. Data should live with us like ideas and cultural norms instead of ivory towers that decide to give us glimpses on their rent seeking terms.

34 hours in no mans sky. What have I been doing? Who knows 🤷

love how companies eventually just all give up making anything and just go to rent seeking

Love how these need to take totally different interpretations for the symbol `.`


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I wish programming languages just settled on S-expressions and called it a day. Code analysis and parser writing can be such a PITA :P

God I hate MacOS's security features. I just want to run a friggen binary for some quick tests. needing to go through code signing or explaining way too many steps of settings tweaking is so exhausting. I wish I didn't have to deal with mac users so often for work.

Got myself a giant rhino beetle friend so I've been riding it around lookin for treasure

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If I eveer get a brain scan it'd be cool to do two where I meditate to get full awareness of my body and another where I detach from it to just be in my mind's eye and do a diff on the states.

I should really commit my dotfiles before the next time my pooter gets borked.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.