neat "... under different conditions, distinct mechanisms (cell:cell communication and tubulogenesis vs. cytoskeletal bending) are triggered toward the same specific large-scale outcome. It arises because evolution does not just make specific solutions to specific problems, it makes problem-solving systems that do not over-train on prior history, knowing that both environment and genetics will change over time"
Main question is whether it's safe to do so without intense trauma given the amount of cells and whether it's possible to target them without affecting the rest of the body. Last thing will be what to do about excess skin post reduction. 🤷 Seems like it's worth persuing anyway
So, these mrna vaccines can be used to get the body's mune system to attack not omly invaders but alao arbitrary cells. This is used in animals to sterilize them without surgery by making their immune system attack their reproductive cells. I think this poses the opportunity for non invasive breast reduction by making the body attack just the cells in a persons breasts. Potential win for trans masc folks
Good news for #BlueSky folks, I'm now reachable on there as just `` thanks to the custom domain support in :)
I'm sure there's an untapped market for "Dumb" tech. Bonus points for repairable, dumb tech.
No AI assistants, no Internet connection, no DRM or login needed.
Just a toaster that makes toast, a TV that plays only what you put in it, with repair kits, spare parts available, easy to reach guts and accessible schematics, diagrams and instructions.
I know I'd buy no other brands if just one offered that to me.
threads is about to get so much worse. PLEASE admins defederate them and users move to an instance that defederated them
if you dont support defederating threads let me know so i can know your instance is a dangerous one for queers and poc
What's the point of money when billionaires think they can just throw humanity away and live in their bunkers as we all starve and die of disease. Why do we keep participating in this stupid system made to grind us into a pulp so some rich kid can idle away and jerk off to how meritocratic everything is.
Get your website back, reclaim your history
In the digital world, there’s nothing more disheartening than losing access to a website you’ve poured time and effort into building — a connection point with readers, referenced by links to articles and news :(
Lost your website? We can (maybe) help!
We're offering a Resilience Grant for NGOs, non-profits, and individuals who protect human rights and empower people, especially those facing systemic inequity and prejudice. We'll recover your site and make it more resilient with the DWeb—100% free.
Apply now through this form! We'll be choosing two organizations to work with in early January 2025.
How will you recover my site?
We can restore your site if it meets certain technical conditions. Share your details in the registration form so we can evaluate whether we can help you.
How do you make my website more resilient?
At Distributed Press, we specialize in creating decentralized versions of websites using protocols like IPFS and Hypercore.
Having collaborative copies of your site hosted outside HTTP helps avoid fragility and link rot, reduces the risk of losing information, makes your data more resistant to censorship and deletion, and ensures it remains accessible even if/when hosting servers go down. As part of this grant, we’ll not only recover your site but also host it on the Distributed Web.
What are the conditions?
We will recover 1 site for 2 organizations or individuals during February 2025. Selection criteria include technical feasibility of the restoration and your consent to share the story as a case study afterward. Due to the tight timeline of this project, you’ll also need to agree to a response time of around 48 hours — so we can move forward together!
aaaaand i now have running as a backend service in the system too
next step-- live translated closed captioning on localhost?
cc @mauve :D
so after spending a lot of time talking about how apple does and/or doesn’t use siri data yesterday day
yesterday night, i finally did the demo for on device in browser voice recognition
nothing super flashy yet, but i added it over the green background and in the realtime only mode, it’s great for subtitles.
even if you’re not a programmer, i hope i made the language easy enough for you to see how consent works and how simple it can be to implement
Campaña: Internet resiliente con DWeb (Web Distribuida)
Recuperá tu página web, recuperá tu historia
En el mundo digital, no hay nada más desalentador que perder el acceso a una página web que hemos dedicado tiempo y esfuerzo en construir, que es nuestra punto de encuentro con nuestrxs lectores y está referenciada por artículos y noticias :(
¿Perdiste una página web?
Beca completa para organizaciones, colectivos y activistas de DDHH, defensa del territorio, transfeministas, economía social.
Recuperamos tu sitio y lo hacemos más resiliente con DWeb, 100% gratis.
¡Inscribite! Elegiremos dos casos con los que trabajar en enero/febrero 2025.
Completa el formulario de inscripción para postularte.
¿Cómo lo recuperan?
Podemos restaurar tu sitio si cumple con ciertas condiciones técnicas. Contanos tu situación en el formulario de inscripción para que podamos evaluarlo.
¿Cómo lo hacen más resiliente?
En Distributed Press, donde construimos en conjunto las cooperativas Sutty y Hypha, nos dedicamos a crear versiones de sitios en protocolos decentralizados - IPFS y Hypercore.
Tener copias de tu sitio hosteadas colaborativamente por fuera de HTTP te evita fragilidad y linkrot, disminuye el riesgo de perder información, hace tu data más resistente a la censura y borrado, y permite que esté disponible aún si los servidores de hosteo se caen. En esta beca, además de restaurar tu sitio, lo alojaremos en la Web Distribuida.
¿Cuáles son las condiciones?
Tenemos la posibilidad de recuperar 1 sitio de 2 organizaciones / personas durante febrero 2025. El criterio de selección incluye aspectos técnicos que hagan posible la restauración del sitio, y darnos consentimiento para compartir la historia como caso de estudio al finalizar. Además, por los ajustados tiempos de este proyecto, deberán acordar a tener tiempos de respuesta de alrededor de 48hs ¡así podemos avanzar juntes!
Conocé más acerca de las condiciones y alcance de esta campaña
The way it is complimenting the prompter throughout for their fascinating and groundbreaking theorizing is giving me a very grim pit in my stomach. Normal conspiracy theories are sticky and trap people's minds, but their cultures are actually usually highly internally critical and collaborative - it might seem ironic but in conspiracy theory forums you get intense exclusion of "the wrong version" of the theory, both as a way to maintain some vanishing sense of "external credibility" but also as a group norming and hierarchy mechanism.
I think almost everyone knows that LLMs will enthusiastically tell you the wrong information, but I hadn't seen an example of an LLM enthusiastically telling you are a genius as you slip away from reality. There is no way to set guardrails against that. There is no macro pattern and there is nothing intrinsically harmful about the content per se, the harm is how its use will alienate, isolate, and likely cause a great deal of personal crisis in this person's life - and they won't be able to tell it was chatGPT that helped them get there.
NLNet announces newly funded projects, including quite a few related to ActivityPub.
@node9 automated deployments for streams and hubzilla
@raffomania for the linkblocks federated link sharing platform
@manyfold - federated 3d model sharing
@mobilizon for their federated event sharing platform
@activitypods is a storage solution for federated data
@spritely and their Oaken project (fedi adjacent and happy for them)
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.