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Lack of sleep linked to car accidents among teens and poorer achievement: When schools started after 8:30 a.m., attendance, standardized test scores, and academic performance in math, English, science, and social studies increased, while tardiness declined. One school that shifted start times from 7:35 a.m. to 8:55 a.m. saw a 70% decline in the number of local car accidents among drivers ages 16 to 18.

It is truly impressive how bad google search has gotten at just finding basic information and I do not understand why almost no one is noticing or talking about this.

I do not want Slack to provide a probabilistic summary of what I said. I don't want notion to guess what I'm going to say. I want to choose my words with clarity and precision in mind, and if people want me to take the time to read what they've written I would hope that they've taken the time to choose their words too

And I really want to take my words out of training data sets

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Set my mother up with a Synology NAS recently. Lost a bunch of her files cause a cloud storage thing got yanked out from under her.

Now she can back her stuff up without having to worry about some corpo's opinions.

otherwise we'll all be right back where we were, ten years from now. that's clear to everyone at this point, right? lasting solutions require addressing the sources of the problem, and profit incentives are one of the big sources.

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gender (mostly positive) 

My mom is apparently my biggest ally in trying to gender me properly. Double hard since it/its isn't really used for people in Russian.

Then some anglophones struggle to even use they/them despite it literally being a single word change and doesn't even require using weird suffixes

feelings (positive) 

I feel like I should share some more of my happy feelings on here.

Had dinner with my folks today and the slow relationship building we've been workinv on all these years is paying off. Had a lovely and chill time and felt pretty understood and appreciated.

I'm making an ActivityPub server for distributing transit alerts 🎉 The tool is completely open-source and fetches alerts from GTFS-realtime Service Alerts feeds

Official instance:
Currently works with:

I expect to add a lot more agencies to the instance in the near-ish future—want to validate more before going wider


#GTFS #GTFSrealtime #ActivityPub #fediverse #transit

So I was thinking a calendar is kind of like a one way sms to your future self. Unlike usual smss that mostly go through space to another person, calendar messages go through time to reach your self.


I do so enjoy when my beast accepts it's weekly offering. It's a clumsy little reptile and it's so cute when it strikes.

Glad it's okay with defrosted flesh and that it's food does not need to suffer.

BTW for anyone wanting to migrate away from centralized chat to a more alternative via I'd strongly suggest using to set up your own instance and bridges to your existing chat apps.

You can bring your own VM and pay them to set it up along with a small monthly fee for upkeep. Generally good if you've got a community that wants to migrate together.

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He he he 😈 Getting some of my friends from meatspace to join my instance and ditch .

It's nice when companies do sketchy shit so that the prospect of switching platforms seems more appealing than having sketchy shit done to you.

Still thinkin about makin an alt for feelings posting. I'm thinking lf calling it some sort of pun.

Been into messing with names in chatrooms with some meatspace pals. It's fun

Jeeze. People are really out here making 250k USD a year doing tech stuff. Literally can't imagine having that much money around.

Most people I know are barely getting 40 something.

who called it “writing documentation” and not “manual labor”

One of the hard pars of doing a bunch of remote jobs instead of a single full time one is that I miss out on the extra wage theft that's expected of office workers where they check their emails and goof off for parts of the day. :P

Imagine a hypothetical conference about AP, a virtual CVQCon if you will, but now imagine the infrastructure. What do we need to spend money on? If we keep our commitment to open systems (and I don't see why we shouldn't), we certainly won't find ourselves paying eight dollars a head for video conferencing. The only real costs are hosting costs, a bit of sysadmin time, plus a few hundred on creative commons furry art (obviously, branding is clearly important)

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I can't even begin to describe what the state of gaming on the Linux desktop is even like any more. When I started using Ubuntu back in 2005, Wine barely worked. Native commercial games were an absolute chore to get running.

Now, we're at a point where I can easily play loads of indie, retro, and AAA titles with great graphics and smooth be gameplay. My desktop plays Returnal like a PS5. My handheld can do something like 40 years worth of games, plus many current titles.

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f*cking apple 

This kind of stuff really really makes me frustrated with Apple.

Their hardware is pretty good, but their software and, especially, the way they tie together their services to lock possibility away and the way they outright condescend to their developers is actively toxic.

They increasingly spend their time figuring out new ways to be digital landlords, extracting money from the processes of using their devices, death by nickel and dimeing you to the bone.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.