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I think if the fediverse can evolve past "home servers" and enable folks to be part of several "groups" at once it'd lead to some interesting ways of discovering community and overlapping between social spheres.

A hyper object is an object that is real and exists, yet we can only ever indirectly interact with. For example: capitalism is a hyper object.

Most interesting imo is the idea of false hyper objects. Even if you’re not aware of capitalism, you still feel its presence in interactions with other objects. But that presence can be incorrectly ascribed to something else, which is potentially unreal. For example: meritocracy seems like a false hyper object.

here's a repository with my current scripts for nerd-dictation.

I'm using this on my via the steam dictation module.

I'm about to introduce the concept of different typing modes so I can dictate individual characters and camel case variables and stuff

Screw "this meeting could have been an email".

What about "this YouTube video could have been a blog post"?

Finally caved and ordered the max headset to pair with my . Been enjoying building up my setup and my STT coding setup. However holding it up for long periods of time isn't very comfy. Having the screen on my face will make it easier to get comfy.

16/ But what they meant was pretty clear. Those that still manage a desire to get into programming these days find themselves dropped into a culture of containers, VMs, CI in the cloud, vscode to some remote thing somewhere hand-wavy.

The funny thing about it is - a lot of these people never write code to run on their computer. They use a Mac to write code that will run on a pretend (virtual) Linux computer somewhere.

8/ The great disservice #Apple did the world was showing how it was profitable to treat the customer as an idiot.

"We know you don't REALLY want a floppy drive."

"We know better than you what to run on your device."

And ultimately, "You can't be trusted to program your own device."

That is the same message the schools are giving kids with the locked-down laptops: "You can't be trusted."

In the 80s and 90s, teachers pulled me out of class to help them with computer problems.

4/ Let's sit with these thoughts a minute. Aren't we living in an era where there is an effort to stamp out the notion of a general-purpose programmable #computer? Apple would love us to believe that the iPad - filled with hardware every bit capable of being a general-purpose computer - is a device for consumption, one which runs apps written by others, one which actively thwarts efforts to program on it. The home PCs of the 80s were programmable in a way the iPad isn't.

recommending that anyone simply start their own fediverse server is the modern online equivalent of trying to wish a curse upon them.

it's like waggling your fingers menacingly and intoning "may you have a perpetual headache! may useless Linux shit take up space in your brain, and may you be burdened with a new monthly expense that costs as much as your other utilities!!"

“People who criticize new technologies are sometimes called Luddites, but it’s helpful to clarify what the Luddites actually wanted. The main thing they were protesting was the fact that their wages were falling at the same time that factory owners’ profits were increasing, along with food prices. They were also protesting unsafe working conditions, the use of child labor, and the sale of shoddy goods that discredited the entire textile industry. The Luddites did not indiscriminately destroy machines; if a machine’s owner paid his workers well, they left it alone. The Luddites were not anti-technology; what they wanted was economic justice. They destroyed machinery as a way to get factory owners’ attention. The fact that the word #Luddite is now used as an insult, a way of calling someone irrational and ignorant, is a result of a smear campaign by the forces of capital.”

Ted Chiang in the New Yorker.

Older Millennials and GenX
have a unique perspective on the before and after world.

We use (and build) them now, but we grew up without IoT, without social media, without "smart" phones. When cameras were big and privacy was some sort of the default.

We have an important responsibility to fight for privacy rights so that younger generations will also know the freedom given by these rights.

We cannot let society
make them think this is normal and that nothing else is possible.

We must fight for #privacy for them too ✊🔒

Poverty is not a moral failing and people do not deserve punishment for being poor.

The latest @inkandswitch project I’ve been involved with is Upwelling: an exploration of what a text editor might look like if it had both Google-Docs-style real-time collaboration and something like Git-style pull requests.

why would someone use the cloud. when your stuff is on the cloud then all the blinky lights are far away where nobody can see them. but if your stuff is in a server in your closet you can go and look at the blinky lights whenever you want

From the top of my head

Many graph views of the instance I federate with:
* a view with weight by count of public/unlisted/DM toot with incoming/outgoing/both.
* same view that include when we federated / (rever) order by when we federated, how we federated with them (a boost(from where) , a toot search, etc.)

A way to send a message as an admin to another admin on a remote instance.

A way to automate federated moderation message to other admin

Using my phone feels so limiting now that I've started using my steam deck around the house.

Zero multitasking and typing on this thing sucks compared to the dual touchpad virtual keyboard and my custom STT setup

Honestly, I wish I could interact with everything through APIs instead of fancy user interfaces. I hate having to install extra apps and dig around before I can find the button I need to click to do the thing I want to do.

This message brought to you by me being frustrated with how long it took to get access to EFTs from my bank. spam discourse 

Honestly, I almost feel like I'm missing out on all this mastodon social spam. :P

Maybe my instance doesn't have enough reach for bots to bother.

As expected, this thing can't code for shit. :P

Cursed cURL request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" -X PUT -X Content-Type: application/octet-stream -X Accept: */* -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_KEY>" --get-header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" --get-header "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"site.tar\"" $tar$si

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.