oh nice: an interview i did on behalf of cabal came out while i was traveling! we start with the general idea of the project and later dive into some detail on the new protocol development happening this year :3
@michael "You may wish to consider implementing hCAPTCHA yourself to protect your own instance,"
Please note that if you do this, it will prevent many blind people from signing up onto your instance. hCAPTCHA does not have an audio version; instead, if you cannot complete the visual version for whatever reason, you have to give them your email (!), so they can send you a link to a site for setting an accessibility cookie.
This cookie frequently does not work at all. It has a time limit before you can set it again, so if it fails to set, or if you close the browser and have automatic deletion of cookies enabled, as you should, you'll just have to wait. And of course, it only works within browsers, not applications; Discord is an excelent example of a non-passable captcha.
Enabling application signups is a much more accessible way of avoiding spam. If this is something the admin team cannot handle, it is time for going invite-only.
check out this cool article on how to connect peers between different networks. #p2p
I'm honestly so happy I sat down and made this car2dot library. It's made it so much easier to debug #IPFS stuff.
#Echolocation mastery activates the #visual #cortex in #blind individuals https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/blind-human-echolocation/
The world is bad on purpose, friends
It isn't some principle of nature that makes the world bad
The cruelty is intentional
Which means we can fucking stop them
16. The summer of decentralized social
So at this week's electronics fair, I found a weird VR headset prototype. No names on it, and it says "prototype/not for resale". I took it apart to figure out who made it, and completely failed. It's weeeird:
Apparently the #rokid Max has a button that turns on "3d mode" by presenting the two eyes as separate (or was it extended?) displays.
I'm planning to use this for shenanigans by having different windows presented in each eye. E.g. on my left I can have my chats and references, and on my right I can have my terminals / editors.
It's likely it won't just work out of the box, but it'd be fun if it did. :P
I'm digging how hackable the authors made Rhasspy. It's pythonic and the protocols are as human readable as possible. Python makes it pretty easy to find patterns in text and Rhasspy hides ~all of the complexities of voice. I can just write a script that accepts a string of words that were recognized, do whatever (call out to remote services, append the text to a file, ..), and then return text if I want the service to convert it to speech.
tried to flash my #pinephone again and it seems that there still major usability errors.
"Suspend seems to be breaking the lockscreen, requiring a reboot." and "Customizations might not last through reboots." seem like nonstarters for me 😅
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.