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Cops operate as a standing army of thugs for local capitalists.

This is obvious to almost anyone who has taken or witnessed direct action to make the world better. (Taking "action to make the world better" includes, my current constant reference point, making a home for yourself on unused land.)

Cops, who infamously do nothing but collect overtime, assemble like an army to beat back any progress.

This may happen very rarely but it is their primary purpose.

🚀Dear community, faces financial challenges threatening our public service.😪We need your support to continue championing open, unbiased search for #Web3 and #IPFS. Share our mission & support us at #SaveIPFSSearch

Open source developers: please actually use your code host’s “releases” feature. It substantially raises visibility of your releases, lets downstreams use better tooling, and makes it less of a guessing game when trying to find versions.

Just tagging releases is the next best, but it’s a worse experience for everyone else. Not ever tagging/making releases is the *worst* possible thing you can do, and signals to other projects that you don’t care about stability or collaboration.


“Commuting is unpaid labor and I refuse to do it” - my wife

Pretty excited on the work we're doing in

Our project manager @mai had some good points after a meeting:

"Love that we decided to go with ActivityPub over Web Mentions as it allows us to meet communities where they already are."

if you're reading this I say you've done enough today. you can go home and nap.

peer to peer networking takes place by connecting port to port.

might i suggest we combine the social and nautical concepts into one pier to pier metaphor?

I don't know why we only get batman and spiderman movies when there are like a hundred muppets and every single one of them has leading man/woman potential

Damn, I really wish I had a screen rrader or text to speech for my textbooks back when I was in school. i think it would have made a lot of stuff easier. I hope kids these days have access to stuff like that.

Doing a lot of screen reader accessibility work on #Calckey. If there's a maintainer or regular contributor around, I'd love to talk to them! I'm not sure if poking their support channels was my best idea.

when the adhdmancer adept is able to precisely balance two equidisinteresting tasks, they may set up a standing wave of procrastinative oscillation between them which successfully consumes both while generating mana for future spells

IMO any project using and should have a path to exposing their data as Triple Pattern Fragments so that it can be actually usable. Without it we get into a situation where everyone needs to duplicate everyone's data and increase resource usage. It also cements large centralized databases into power. Having a lightweight query layer is essential for having lightweight clients.

i just set up a new domain and it has https and it was free and easy and using standard debian packages (nginx, certbot), and cron

this used to be horrible and expensive. tysm

If nothing else, Mastodon seems to be pretty convincing evidence that an edit button can work. I'm not seeing many cases of it being abused the way many worried it would be.

Bad actors are the problem, not the tools. Get rid of the bad faith people, and we can have nice things.

What are folks using for basic video editing on ?

i just need to slice up a video and cut out some ums and uhs.

contemplating using raw ffmpeg even

#philosophy question: do you think information can exist outside of an interpretation structure? for example, is the ink on a page “information,” or is it only once it enters a mind? (this is not really about the nature of cognition or any of that, we could be talking about chemical signals and insects, or protein markers in cells… just using text/reading as an easy example)

it's one of those cases where every single problem is easily fixable, except there's another layer underneath that prevents that easy fix from working. That layer also has an easy fix... except there's another layer underneath that

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.