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Beep boop time to wire up some codes.

Today in "Mauve Remembers How To Golang":

- Set up an IPLD blockstore (or whatever they call it)
- Wire up an ndjson parser which parses dag-json
- Wire up the IPLD Blockstore to a ProllyTree blockstore
- Sketch up indexing data into the tree

Twitter is falling apart. Reddit is falling apart. Facebook fell apart ages ago. Meta is a trashfire. Instagram is baloney. Google can't even search for anything you want anymore.

You know what website still miraculously works?


You should donate to keep it that way.

The life of a technomancer can be stressful sometimes but I do so enjoy mancing that tech!

Like, dang. Being a domain expert and having my expertise prove to be useful is pretty satisfying.

i made a MASTODON AWESOME MODE userstyle!!!

it makes the background and text cycle the colors of the rainbow slowly, as well as turning everything into comic sans!!!

userstyles are custom CSS thingies you can use with a browser extension like stylus to override the default appearance of a webpage with something prettier

be sure to point it at the URL of your instance in the settings after installing it!!!

#mastodon #userstyle #userstyles #CSS #theme

Luckily I can bend computers to my will by sticking my hand into their brain and rummaging around to route around problems.

Tomorrow me can figure out a more permanent solution.

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Yay! Love it when data gets corrupted on prod just as I was about to go offline. :)

Shit, gotta start hoarding data in preparation of the web collapsing. Anyone got recommendations for a box I can just put in my home to reliably store a petabyte or two of data? 🤪

Snake feeding 

Lol! Just got my corn out for feeding and it decided it didn't want to wait for its rat and chomped onto my gloved finger 🤣

She tried wrapping around my whole forearm whuch is pretty ambitious for her size. Had to do some gentle wrastling to untangle myself.

Hello #CoSocialCa!

A June 2023 update on the blog

* We’re currently at 62 paid co-op members
* We've got a great group of volunteers, could use some more across trust & safety, comms, & membership
* Follow #CoSocialHour
* Co-op Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be this fall; members will vote for a board and discuss major issues

Sometimes I forget I'm an open source weirdo, then I think about using a thing and am like "Hmmm, but it's not open source..." and then it clicks and I have a chuckle.

LOL! The only thing more jarring than forgetting how loud my volume is when I start listening to a track is accidentally quitting my browser in the middle of a loud track to be thrown into silence.

Yikes, seems like is having trouble reaching the Mainline today or something. :/

Not ideal when trying to run tests! Might be a good reason to set up some more bootstrap nodes.

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sanism, trans genocide 

it really would have been better if more people questioned the entire concept of mental illness and the idea of it being grounds for removing someone's bodily autonomy, it's extremely fucked up and allows and directly causes so much horrific abuse, and the only people who say anything about it are psychiatric survivors and no one even listens to them
and now in Russia they are actively banning transition and the state is openly attempting to make sure all trans people are treated as mentally ill and "cured" in what must be horrific ways
and i wonder if this will eventually happen in the U.S.
but if your response is "this is bad because trans people aren't actually mentally ill" then fuck off, those "crazy schizos" you find so annoying don't deserve to be tortured either, and it should have been obvious that if society accepts human rights violations for any group (mentally ill, terrorists, etc.) then the next step is that label being used on anyone the establishment wants to get rid of, and if you reached adulthood without thinking of this then you don't think enough
if everyone collectively agreed to stand up for those who are most despised, like unhoused folks and people with highly stigmatized neurodivergences, we might not have to worry about being the next genocide target
but if you think some genocide is acceptable as long as it has an imposed limit that stops it from affecting you then seriously fuck off

Been hanging out at local libraries to get a bit more aquainted with them.

Apparently one of them has a makerspace. Gonna see about running some workshops or something for teaching folks to program. The hardest part would be logistics since the library only really offers chromebooks for folks to borrow. :/

People of the #fediverse, especially those creating various services, there are alternatives to HCAPTCHA when you ask people to create accounts or login. Despite HCAPTCHA's propaganda, HCAPTCHA is not truly accessible to #blind people. It requires us to give up our privacy if we choose the cookie option. The text alternative doesn't work most times. I just tried to sign up for a /kbin server at and wasted 30 mins on HCAPTCHA.

Please be #inclusive!


we need more roving vendors. they shouldn't be solely the province of ice cream and scams.

We are not at the end of the useful Internet. We may be nearing the end of the phase where the corporate Internet pretended it didn't feel entitled to your attention and efforts.

Any of these large media sites have been useful in the last 15 years, it was rarely because of anything they did. Usually in spite of.

Now presenting another #VeryGoodIdea:
The latest fediverse client is your calender with a mastodon <-> CalDAV bridge!

Post from your calendar, and stream your home feed back to your calendar!

Just write your post in the Notes field and you're off to the races.

Part of the #MastoBridges #SuperPackage - you'll never instantly regret installing and running this! Comes with bonus crossposter to commit messages in an empty git repository!

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.