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MakerTube is now open for public registrations! It's a #peertube video instance for makers, musician, artists and DIY content creators. If you thought of trying out a video platform besides big corp now is the time!

Join in or any other instance and let's make peertube a place as great as Mastodon.

Please boost this post! Share your creations! Let's build alternatives that stay!

#peertube #makertube #diy #maker #artists #musicians #contentcreator #synthdiy

Yes this is a major cope on the fact that I have had to use so many open source libraries with zero docs 😭

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Docs are nice but really I prefer reading source code at this point because it paints such an intimate picture of how the code wants to be used. At least usually! Sometimes I just have no clue what's going on in there. 🤣

This is a warning about Meta and Threads.

Please boost this here and outside of Mastodon so that pregnant people in the United States are informed that using Meta/Threads is dangerous.

I'm unlikely to get pregnant but I have ZERO presence on Meta/Facebook/Instagram/Threads as a matter of principle.

#abortionrights #pregnant #threads

The first version of the PomoDB (Rhizome Database) high level spec is up!

@quinn is working hard on getting the initial code into people's hands, too!

tired: $20 premium snapchat

wired: $20 premium pixelfed

I just want to slide in here and comment: "The data" is terribly vague here. What you get from ActivityPub is at worst: the likes, the shares, the posts, the social graph.

What you don't get is data like: How long did this person spend looking at something? Or more pointedly said. There has been this screenshot of Threads app permissions circulating. Consuming the firehose from ActivityPub gives you lots of data, but still a lot less than you would get with all these permissions.

He he he 😈 I got my first statically published blog to load! Still need to work on the inbox server and get post resolving wired up but I'm happy with the progress so far.

This is also being published on protocols on ipns://

One limitation is you can only one account per domain.

This is being published using and is part of our upcoming integration.

I think it's about time I made a better task tracking system for myself. Been particularly chaotic lately.

The year is 2025, there is now one social network for every twelve people in the world, each dedicated to discussing the other social networks that are available

it's genuinely wild how we heard nothing but long winded platitudes on how innovative silicon valley was for like 20 straight years and it's all culminated in a bunch of the dullest, most petulant billionaires imaginable all just copying each other's version of a very basic chat app

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Any interested in joining a instance? i'm thinking it'd be a good way to onboard folks interested in that format and to create more local community.

Damn I love tiny little spiders. I found one running around my bathroom and it's unreal just how little it's feet are.

Talking a quarter the size of my finger nail. So cute I can't even.

A programmer is just a machine that turns code into deadlocks. :P

More folks should consider using the SharedWorker API in their app. Especially if you have particularly heavy initializing code.

E.g. instead of Element loading everything from scratch each time you open it in a tab, it could have the bulk of the resources shared across tabs in a worker and have speedier inits that don't block the render thread.

When I started on Mastodon, people would advise me to “only Boost posts.” Since there’s no algorithm that places a value on Favorites, “only Boosts have value.”

I disagree completely.

When people Favorite my posts, they unwittingly introduce themselves to me. I have discovered some very interesting people that I may not have if they didn’t Favorite my posts.

Keep ‘em coming. It’s nice to meet you.

#feditips #mastodon #favorite

Does anybody on here know of an instance dedicated to Black queer folks? I'm not necessarily planning on moving but I am curious since apart from and wibblur I haven't even seen much that's even focused on Black communities. And if there isn't one/aren't many... Is that something people would be interested in? 👀 Edit: well, I went ahead and spent most of the past day making one. is the name. Check it out!

#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #BlackQueer

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.