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Wish I could set my mastodon timeline on "shuffle" so I could see stuff accross all time or engagement levels :o

K... what if... native apps but open data models with interop.

I have no opinion on the technical feasibility of “web environment integrity” but the weaselly justifications of it are offputting enough in themselves.

“Users want advertisers to know that they are real humans” — no, *advertisers* want to know that users are real humans. But nobody would find that persuasive because everyone rightly hates ads on the web, so it's clumsily reframed as being in the user's interests.

Alt-text is really a big cultural differentiator for Mastodon. Twitter has it, but it's pretty rare to see people use it. Threads doesn't have it at all! And with regards to scicomm specifically, it's a perfect example of how accessibility improves the experience for everyone. I can break down a dense, hard to understand figure that people with vision would still find confusing. To me, alt-text is a non-negotiable requirement of good science communication.

I wish people would apply the vitriol and vigor they showed over those little MDN LLM help buttons to Google DRMing and fully closing their grasp on the open web and killing browser choice

This is scary. It's (strong) SafetyNet for websites.

Every now and then I run into another Android app I can no longer run because someone decided my phone, running an official build of my choice of OS, that isn't even rooted, is "not trustable".

Now they want to start doing that for websites.

This kills open Linux on the desktop (including Asahi Linux). It kills alternative browsers. It is a backdoor to kill ad blockers.

No. Just no. Please.

I'm not saying I'd illegally keep a raccoon as a pet but I am saying that if one enters my home by choice & wants to take over the spare room with raccoon-sized furniture, it would be impolite to make them leave.

Spending a ton of money to advertise my "I heart ad blockers" shirts but the ads don't seem to be reaching their target audience for some reason.

Is it problematic to respond to automated marketing cold calls with occult curses?

In “Bullshit Jobs,” David Graeber reminds us of another feature of medieval labor, even bonded labor, that is the envy of most of us today:

“The main reason why work could remain so irregular was because it was largely unsupervised. This is true not only of medieval feudalism but also of most labor arrangements anywhere until relatively recent times. It was true even if those labor arrangements were strikingly unequal. If those on the bottom produced what was required of them, those on top didn’t really feel they should have to be bothered knowing what that entailed.”

Bob Black made a similar point in “The Abolition of Work”:

“The degradation which most workers experience on the job is the sum of assorted indignities which can be denominated as ‘discipline.’…Discipline consists of the totality of totalitarian controls at the workplace—surveillance, rotework, imposed work tempos, production quotas, punching-in and out, etc. Discipline is what the factory and the office and the store share with the prison and the school and the mental hospital. It is something historically original and horrible. It was beyond the capacities of such demonic dictators of yore as Nero and Genghis Khan and Ivan the Terrible. For all their bad intentions they just didn’t have the machinery to control their subjects as thoroughly as modern despots do.”


Hey chooms!

It's a pulsating month filled with cybertastic things, and today, we've got an cybertastic surprise to unveil!

Our esteemed choom, @tihyltew, has birthed a top-tier creation, the ultimate mascot for our digital sanctuary.

Meet John Cyberdon! :cyberdon:

John Cyberdon is your guardian, shielding you from the relentless watchful eyes of NetWatch. With razor-sharp instincts and a heart of circuitry, he's your virtual sentinel, always one step ahead of any lurking threat.

So, slip into your cyberdeck and join our electrified faction, as we ride the information highways with John Cyberdon by our side, fearlessly exploring the untamed frontiers of the net!

Together, we'll forge a path through the datakrashed-soaked chaos, securing a future where the digital realm is truly free.

Secure your netruns (not your soul) with John Cyberdon! CC-BY-SA license lets you take him anywhere. Unleash digital freedom!


#Mastodon #FediArt #MastoArt #Cyberpunk

This is a credible proposal for DRM for websites in general. It would enable unbeatable adblock-blocking. It would prevent user customization for not just convenience but also accessibility.

I do not say this lightly: Enabling the forfeiture of control over the browsing experience is a fundamentally evil idea that must be rejected now, as it has been in the past, and we must remain vigilant against its reemergence in the future.

So the CEO of online ads giant IAB made a pretty… remarkable speech, saying:

"These extremists (referring to privacy advocates) are political opportunists who’ve made it their mission to cripple the advertising industry and eliminate it from the American economy and culture."

And this, friends, is our mission statement RIGHT THERE.

Our first Causal Islands Podcast🎙️ is recording live in just one hour! Join Discord to ask Michael, Chia, and Quinn your questions - #futureofcomputing #podcast #tech

Peer-to-peer networks are the foundation of the decentralized web. Today we dive into what P2P networks are, how they differ from the popular client-server model, and the advantages of decentralized file sharing in P2P networks. #p2p #dweb

I am floored and fascinated by the near-literary quality of many of the descriptions of images that people carefully craft when appending pictures to their posts on Mastodon. Some of them will reveal a detail that had escaped my attention. Others will help me understand a subtle joke I had missed. Others still are true poems. ALT are their own microblogging world that reveals itself as you hover on a picture. And I hover, and hover.

#AltText #inclusivity
#Mastodon #netiquette #tootiquette

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.