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K! Take six on trying to get to work. If it does this would be good timing with me trying to get into

Still need to figure out an input device however. I really want a controller based input scheme to start so I don't need to deal with hand tracking and all that.

@screaminggoat @mttaggart conversely, as someone who works in cyber insurance, and sees that the amount of data held is one of the biggest drivers of incident costs, I’d *love* to see less personal data being held by companies and moved around.

Been doing a bit better at letting my body rest when sick instead of pushing through but the productivity hit so frustrating. An entire day and then some lost to a cold TT_TT

document.querySelectorAll("html *").forEach(e=>`translate(${(Math.random()*8)-4}px,${(Math.random()*8)-4}px) rotate(${(Math.random()*2)-1}deg)`)

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I'm a major boomer when it comes to using apps but boy do I love digging around system logs and command line tools 🥰🥰🥰

Operating systems like iOS and Android are designed as media consumption devices (e.g.: for watching TikTok or Instagram). They are barely usable as a general purpose computer.

Several libre mobile operating systems aspire to imitate iOS and Android. With good intent: so that user familiar with these are familiar with the new libre OS.

The downside is that these new libre platforms are not well-designed mobile computer operating systems; they're mostly imitations of media consumption devices.

Honestly I wish I had more use for my knowledge of the source code.

Anyone wanna pay me to get web extensions working on mobile chromium?

Google PR sure is taking its sweet time getting back to me about the finding that Chrome has a hidden extension that allows all * domains to monitor your CPU usage and other private system info. I'm sure they're working just as fast as they can.

High on my todo list is HTTP over app messages with a local daemon that can act as a proxy.

- Register veilid service
- Run local daemon as a proxy (optionally tell it to make a safety route)
- Curl to a unix socket the daemon is listening on
- `Host` header set to the public key for the service
- Encode request as app message to the service
- Response gets sent as an HTTP response down the socket

Bad for large files, good for locally run services / automation.

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Does anyone actually try to hire companies that cold call them about "services" from scraped emails? Like, when is it ever anything but annoying spam. Even if I wanted the service I sure as hell wouldn't trust the person that spammed me about it.

I think what I want instead of apps is a standard datamodel in a graph database with live queries I can tie to table views.

"the internet is a resilient network"

the internet when one cdn goes down:

Accessibility in XR: the XR fragments spec now promotes 2-button navigation as well.
Beef up your 3D models with for an open, accessible, and interoperable XR internet ❤️

Back on the grind. So many emails and messages to get through before I can even get to coding or writing.

The good news is that I have finally remapped my button layout on my GPD WIN 4 to something more useful!

Now I just need to rebuild my muscle memory when using it :P

Truly I live in a hell of my own invention for not using an off the shelf desktop environment.

It seems logging into a tty and spawning a weird window manager (niri) means I can't run XR software which seems to require a command that only works from a session that got started by x11. 😵😵😵

How the heck do I set a monitor as "non desktop" in wayland?

We need at least one of “hide reply” or “limit who can reply.” It’s like anyone can come and shit on your living room floor. And while you can throw them out after the fact, you can’t mop up the turd.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.