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As much as I love shitting on bloated web apps I will take them over the prospect of having to install a native app any day.

Buh, I wish my cost of living was lower so I didn't have to work so much.

eventually computer touchers reach a point in which all computers around them will display weird characteristics that are specific to them and they just end up with super specific issues only they encounter

The fediverse is like an mlm with cycles of downstreams

Already had to try to explain Crowdstrike to a curious family member.

Situations like this remind me that us tech folks have a working understanding that demystifies things like this outage. The reasons may not be exciting or good, but we do at least *understand* fundamentals like auto updates, reboot loops and manual fixes. We also understand root causes like compliance pressure.

To innocent bystanders the checkout screen went blue and now they can't buy groceries, and it doesn't make sense.

It's only a denial of service attack if it comes from an adversarial region. Otherwise it's a sparkling traumatic misconfiguration.

Jeeze, 3d/vr game programming is pretty involved :x

I still think it's simple! It's the world that's wrong. 😝

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"This wouldn't have happened on Linux" I say smugly, as I copy and paste a command from a 2008 forum post, three hours into trying to get my fucking WiFi working on Arch.


Apparently the thing I thought was simple was actually very complex 🙃

The year is 3129. Humanity is extinct. The last LG SmartFridge is desperately emailing its last owner that they are low on orange juice. The satellites that are still left, their orbits slowly decaying over millennia, dutifully relay the message. The automated "away from office" response turns on, as it always does, notifying the refrigerator that it's owner will likely return to the office in 3-5 business days.

Somewhere in what used to be called Ohio, a pack of roombas, their local wind turbines giving out and creaking to a halt, begin searching for the next functional docking station. A washing machine in Argentina tweets: "anyone need to do a load 😏" every Saturday at 1:30 a.m. eastern standard time. The replies are filled with AI thirstposters and their hypebots.

In North America, raccoons have quietly entered the bronze age, while baboons riding domesticated battlewolves rule most of Asia. Unbeknownst to either, the octopi are mastering nuclear fusion. A weather balloon bobs and sways in the upper atmosphere, now almost entirely clear of lingering chloroflourocarbons, reporting conditions to weather stations long since destroyed in World War Five.

The Crab Nation are mostly hermits, but come out to greet their prophet every ten years on the 6th full moon of the year. A lone, curious octopus decides to observe this year's event, peering out at the festivities from her safe haven - the submerged, rusting hulk of an ancient Cybertruck. Then he appears: the hologram of Shia Lebouf powered by MetaAI. He beckons the octopus to follow. The crabs all start chittering excitedly. The time has come to invade Amazon HQ. The crows gather in huge numbers. They need more storage space for their Steam collections.

One thing cyberpunk missed is that we don’t jack-in or log-on , the internet has become a sea which we swim in and no longer see until us-east-1 falls over

I think we need a new way to make networking a deliberate act

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.