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Gotta read more about the approaches for tokenization / training of tech in Chinese. Seems like there's enough difference that there'd be some clever techniques. Anyone have links to stuff they've read? (any language)

I get through life by throwing a bunch of hooks into the sea and hoping some of them will catch while I keep my boat from sinking. Many things can tug at once and it becomes a dance of keeping it from tearing me apart or crushing me in potential gains. Joy or sorrow, I keep scampering around and keeping my momentum up lest it all unravel in a bang.

@mauve my current crontab consists of hitting up arrow every few days :)

That time of the year again when my mastodon storage volume gets saturated and I stop being able to post. Glad my cleanup script and mitigations get the job dons. I swear I thought I had a crontab to automate this though 😅

A friend randomly posted this on a chat (excuse the French pun) earlier.

He knows nothing of our world, and yet somehow has discovered it, unknowingly...

It’s really frustrating me right now that Amazon, Google, and Microsoft make so much fucking money by overcharging for slow hardware. (And then use that money to fund coups and genocides.)

Cloud was a scam, and I fell for it, just like everyone else.

I really hope we can get European organisations out of there as soon as possible.

If I was smart and enterprise-y I’d be setting up an assisted colo in Switzerland right now.

Question for people. What's a good monitor with an integrated USB C hub? I need something that's ideally ultrawide with a USB c cable I can plug into my laptop for displayport / charging and some ports for USB peripherals for my mic/camera. Ideally it wouldn't bother with HDMI and use a USB C cable for charging but whatever works would work.

Boosts and links very much appreciated.

All software is a series of turduckens glued together with with whatever sticky substances people had on hand with various levels of staleness and mould in each layer. If you're lucky they'll be covered in a pretty layer of icing that might be nice to poke so long as you don't touch what's directly underneath.

And I love it!

Computers are fun because my current setup is Linux (wayland) -> Chromium -> Windows365 virtual computer -> Linux (ssh)

Just to run some python code 🤪

terminally online, in that i only browse the web using lynx

Real shit having lunch and the clouds clearing up has been great on my mental health today.

Free as in "free to choose which boot stomps on you".

They're adding sucralose to non diet sodas now too 😭 I can't escape it

vent, tech hierarchy 

How can I get a job as a middle manager so I can just sit in on meetings and not much else 🤪

Seems I'm on course for doing about 1.5 presentations a month for this year. :P This month is going to be a presentation on local AI in Next month I'm gonna do one about the fediverse and bsky and looking at how they work / comparing the structures. Hopefully my new graph visualization thing will get far enough that I can embed some in my talks.

Watching this guy go over the details of where to punch a horse for highest effectiveness.

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The "adventure mode" fighting mechanics in are so intimidating. It reminds me of or mechanics 😅

Spent a bit of time this weekend adapting a 3d graph visualizer to render JGF files and am working on a tool to turn abstract syntax trees into JGF files. This way I can view code as a graph and work on tools to manipulate it at the graph layer instead of just text. Gonna work on better labelling and display next week and then work on connecting between source files and highlighting node types / quick searching them

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.