@mauve hmmm .. ?? hololens is an AR headset specifically ... what do you want from it if not the transparent screen ? (and for that a better one is the NorthStar)
for a virtual desktop check the https://simulavr.com project (if you have the budget)
- but you can also install their windows manager on other (less portable) headsets ...
there is also the https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xrdesktop/xrdesktop project
& maybe the Lynx-R1 would be an option somehow too
@olm_e The thing that I liked about the hololens is that it just works out of the box. Norhtstar doesn't have software or hardware figured out.
SimulaVR doesn't have hardware yet and is Linux only.
XRDesktop also has almost no hardware support that I'm aware of (in particular for mobile use cases).
Lynx-R1 has hardware, but it doesn't have much software and only supports Android apps. :P
I just want a cli and browser and honestly the Hololens was the closest to that. Just too small a screen.
@technobaboo What software does NorthStar have which I can just pick up and use tomorrow? Stardust seems to be the most advanced thing I've seen but honestly setting it up is way too daunting even if I could get my hands on hardware for it.
What hardware does xrdesktop work on right now that I can just buy and plug in? I've only seen tech demos and it generally seems like you need to rely on ancient lighthouse based headsets tethered to a desktop computer that requires hours of setup to run.
@mauve We're also working on Andromeda, a plug and play Arch-based ISO containing all the tools and drivers you need to just run headsets right out of the box. https://github.com/StardustXR/andromeda/
@technobaboo That's perfect! Yeah, that's exactly the sort of thing I wish was out in the wild.
XR Linux only using old headsets seems like a big barrier to entry atm. :/
I really wish I could just buy something like a simula and get going without having to run a bunch of scripts and stress about compatibility.
@mauve You can! It's just gonna be a bit before they release it.
@technobaboo Yeah..... I really hope they don't get any extra slowdowns. I'm just waiting to get one of these things.
It sucks that Facebook's thing is the main thing that people can just buy and use. At least it's still not great for productivity. :P
@mauve Stardust's install process is much easier now, see https://github.com/StardustXR/telescope for scripts that just do it all for you!
xrdesktop works on the index. That's basically it. And libsurvive+monado requires a bit of compilation. Luckily, the Index does at least have SLAM support and hand tracking in Monado now so you can just plug only the headset in, but then you can't use it with xrdesktop, only stardust since xrdesktop doesn't support hands.
Linux XR is SO CLOSE but just not quite there yet, sorry :(