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Train Facts. Train facts. Did you know?: if you get on a train, you will find yourself mysteriously transported to a new location, even if you have remained sitting still in your seat the whole time. Ooh! :itisamystery: Nobody knows why this is.

Universal basic income mitigates tunneling, meaning that people are more able to think beyond just one focus. The need to earn survival income tends to function like blinders that block out everything else but your focus on basic needs. Until they're obtained, we can't think beyond.

Social Reader is out! 

Today we are releasing an exciting enhancement for Distributed Press: the Social Reader - a new way to read posts on the Fediverse.

The Social Reader is a privacy-first personal reader for subscribing to content published on federated social media.

The Social Reader is ideal whether it's your first step into the Fediverse, and you want to browse without creating an account, or you just prefer to use tools that are private-by-design.

Skip the need to manage a digital persona with this free, no sign-up tool: just follow and access all the beautiful content you want.


Works offline

No account


This tool also works without internet connectivity: you'll have your own database locally, so you don't need to go online to read posts.

In addition, it has native support for subscribing via peer-to-peer feeds if you use Agregore, Galacteek or any other p2p browser. This makes use of the peer-to-peer published versions of people's sites, fostering the ecosystem to gradually adopt decentralized publishing flows. Consequently, streams are more resistant to outages or attacks, given that their data is distributed across multiple nodes. 💪


Try it out here:

Watch a brief demo 👀

Curious about operational details? Check out our documentation

Disclaimer: it is important to note that Distributed Press does not host any of the content accessed through Social Reader. Therefore, Distributed Press bears no legal responsibility for the appropriateness, accuracy, or legality of the content accessed or distributed through the use of this tool.

Human curration is what makes bookstores and record stores work.

Staff picks move books, even at a big chain. Reviews move books on Amazon, and get people to theaters.

But what incentive is there for people to undertake the act of intentional curration?

Film reviewers get paid to publish in magazines, but most magazines aren't turning a profit anymore.

No one gets paid for Amazon reviews. Rarely does anyone make money on their zine or their blog.

How can we support the people who help us find things?

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@Lottie I am not blind but the inaccessible PDFs issue is such a pain for me. I use a screen reader for most books and being into stem means lots of equations that are un-pronounceable and figures that are only vaguely alluded to but not labelled. Don't get me started on tables that only make sense visually and lead to my reader listing random numbers for multiple minutes 💀

Several of the major social media platforms - Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter - have effectively declared war on linking to things and I absolutely hate it

"Link in my bio" / "Link in thread" / "Link in first comment"... or increasingly no link at all, just an unsourced screenshot of a page

@nixCraft Part of my continued screaming series on "stop using services that heavily advertise on Youtube and Twitch."

Rewatching Spaceballs. Honestly I wish more movies were this goofy

Private heathcare should not be commercially viable. Until the poorest are covered the rich should be made to suffer or else nothing will change.

@yhancik @darius The old thinking was that you should be rotating your gender every 90 days for security reasons but that’s proven to be an ineffective approach. Modern best practices are to use a unique and complex gender for every interaction, to avoid repetition and store them in a secure gender manager. This makes it easier to change genders when one relationship is compromised, and protects you against gender-stuffing attacks.

If your “open source software” requires a datacenter-scale strata and is optimized for, or maybe only meaningful to, datacenter-scale problems, is not open source in any way that matters. “Free as in corporate risk management” and “free as in labor arbitrage” are not aspirations.

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@dansup A similar model is and their hosting. You can give them ssh access and they can set up their docker automations for running services. I fins it quite convenient.

@fleeky yeah sadly fine tuning needs way more resources than I have available. :( Maybe if I get an egpu?

Shitty dollar store painting. Cheap trash is worth a lot when the expensive is unattainable. #art

@fleeky I only use locally runnable models so I have no clue how well it compares to the big corpo ones. 🤷 Sadly the code Ibwas using this on is a proprietary codebase so I can't share it. I ended uo deleting and rewriting myself like three times. It was some pretty basic cli arg parsing code tho

@cwebber Interesting. My main frustratiom is thatthe code it write just isn't anywhere near the quality I need and it generates stuff that barely makes sense. I've mostly been exploring this as an alternative to speech to text coding and for doing some quick formatting but so far it's just sucked. Even very junior devs need less hand holding and reviews

Even though I still don't have screen sharing or a KDE dark theme working, I at least have an Emoji picker via wofi-emoji on my niri setup. 💜

@hermeticvm Cool to hear ty for sharing. Is your code published somewhere I may read?

Today I was trying to get it to generate some cli commands in Node.js (this is with phi3+continue via ollama) but t has trouble adhering to the specific syntax and structure I wanted it to use.

I found a big issue for me has been hallucinated packages or APIs within packages. Maybe doing multi step stuff where inject context from api docs could help there.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.