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@brandon some wget and a postgres instance can probably get you far. If you find a perfect tool though do ping me 🙏

@brandon Exactly what I've been wanting. Thinking I'll feed my browser history and links from various chats into it once I get the base figured out

@jeremy_list That'a really cool. Do you have commits for when you finally fixed it?

New Paper: On the application of Bloom Filter Hierarchies representing
Sub-word Token Bigram Occurrence to Probabilistic Full Text Search

This is a note regarding a prototype I've been working on for a few months in the domain of Decentralized Search (and Indexing)

It covers a data structure with interesting properties that I've been playing with, and documents some experiments regarding naive full text search performance.

Comments/questions/critique welcome.


@nasser I love how the one sheep freaks out and does a loop at the bridge 🤣 The flocking behavior looks great

Struggled to get this code parser and transformer together for months now. Now that it's doing the thing it feels very satisfying. The data flow is now my plaything. 😈😈😈

@hugo I really liked the Alien utopia described in Octavia Butler's "Lilith's Brood".

@sofia I like to think that anarchist leftists have an explicit "the people must be aware of power and band together to keep concentrations of power from overwhelming the whole" goal which is different from authoritarianism or hoping the powerful will be nice. A lot of leftists don't seem to have that though.

It's a long shot, but it would be really funny if Microsoft and Google both capsize when the AI bubble pops, resulting in Valve taking over as the dominant home PC OS and buying the xbox brand for cheap, a sudden surge of corporate interest funding ReactOS, and a bewildered Viktor Lofgren waking up one morning to discover that Marginalia had become the world's dominant search engine over night. Chrome users however would still continue to refuse to switch to Firefox.

I think it's a missed opportunity that OS's don't provide a native way to group windows into tabs. I should be able to take any number of windows from any apps and group them together and resize them kinda like a workspace but resizable.

There was stuff in this direction in the past but it looks like it got abandoned and now every app needs to build tabs themselves using their own ui and shortcuts.

Sadly I haven't done anything with s expressions since I tried making a small language in it as a teen and playing with WebAssembly when WAT first came out.

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Honestly, every time I have to deal with ASTs I wish S Expressions won over c-likes.

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For me, the Internet literally was black and white & white—and sometimes black & amber or green.
And it came in about as fast as I could read it, cuz yes I had 300bps at first and then got 1200 when neighbor in the dorm moved up to 2400.

@Bit_form If it helps, blue decks are the bane of my existence. They do sneaky stuff with mechanics and either bleed my dry before I get big enough or break some core of my ramping strategy.

Also board wipes can be brutal

I think my strategy with most things (game wise) is to slowly accumulate power until I overwhelm my opponents with might.

Kinda why I like playing green token decks in Magic The Gathering.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.