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Cryptography is cool and if you are using proveb algos it's actually pretty easy to use

Omg I want a modern remake of Sonic Adventure 2 so bad 😭 They could do something like Spyro and Crash but for the gamecube sonic games or something.

Communal child rearing is cool too but the inter-generational family system has been destroyed for so many folks already or is in situations where the relations aren't safe. Hopefully more folks can build healthier multi-gen systems but it's not a 1 generation project.

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I think it'd be nice to do two part time parents or alternating being a house spouse. Some poly friends have also been talking about triads with a house spouse and two workers.

So many things can't even be imagined under the boot we are being crushed by.

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It makes me sad that a lot of families can't afford to be single income. I have a lot of friends that ended up having trauma stemming from the fact their parent's were too drained by work to be able to spend time raising them. Full time work in general is something I wish was abolished.

@melroy @lutindiscret @agregore would you be interested in cross linking between our documentation and linking to sites that work on both?

Agregore also supports IPFS and markdown :)

Prime day is a great time to remember that alternatives to most of Amazon's services not only exist, but in cases like audiobooks are actively superior to their offering!

E.g., where you get to both own your audiobooks and support local book shops. Seems better than giving Bezos more cash

@fabrice Yeah, heisenbridge does not seem to. I don't want another app just for irc when I already have my matrix bridges for it :P

@sarahjamielewis Are there plans to add a regular cert eventually? My client does not permit self signed certs 😿

Advertising isn't inevitable, it's a thing that was invented, it became the dominant funding model on the web because it appears to have no cost to the user and it doesn't appear to interfere with the free and open access principles of the early web.

It actually has significant cost to users, we pay in time, privacy, experience, and security.

It's eroded the free and open web, spawned walled gardens whose only goal is to capture more of the user's time.

Companies: oh noes hackers broke in and stole your old data 😢

Me: and as usual I can do nothing except wait and see what cyberpunk crimes they or their buyers attempt, right?

Companies: right! 🤗

Me: how about you stop hoarding customer data to sell?

Companies: haha wtf no 🙃

i was this kid, in beirut, using cracked and pirated software to learn how to program. stuff that was never released in the middle east or stuff that wouldnt make sense to buy for a 10 year old. and guess what? microsoft didnt go out of business. and i have a career in media art and software engineering despite being from the armpit of the world. win win. intellectual property is fake, steal from corporations, kill the cop in your mind.

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How ‘bout instead of machines that steal from artists to “democratize creativity” we have machines that steal from billionaires to democratize money

@canteen @atax1a Ha ha that's*exactly* what I do :P

Some STT folks invent their own phonetic alphabet to make it faster / more reliable but I wanted something more reusable in other contexts.

I've been considering adding a "mode swith" to disable the phonetic alphabet so I can use its words directly.

source code for my setup if you're curious:

@canteen @atax1a A fun side effect is that if I wish to say Quebec on its own I have to spell it out letter by letter 😝

Speaking of RAM I might end up upgrading to the higher spec GPD WIN 4 model since I keep running out. I have like 3 GB allocated to video ram right now and VS Code eats through half of the remainder just idling in a rust project. God forbid I open a zoom call then my Element client (which easily reaches 3GB) client gets killed by the system 🥲🥲🥲🥲

@canteen @atax1a Ha! Maybe I'll start thinking of it like "Gonna Quebec this program since it's using too much ram"

Ads on the web don't actually *need* user tracking. Browsers don't *have to* cooperate with those who want to surveil us.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.