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@fleeky Unsure about details. I am currently visiting upstate NY and everything is covered. Ottawa seems to be getting power outages and stuff

My favorite @agregore feature is the built in "Reader Mode" which makes it easier for me to read articles without all the random styling and page sizing assumptions websites add.

@vetehinen Yeah just found that after digging around too 😭 Why bother announcing that there's federation even if it's so locked down :L

“The Insurance Buys The Wheelchair, But Not The App To Run It”

Which covers this post from a wheelchair user who had to hack his wheelchair to get basic features:

Because Alber’s ‘Mobility Plus Package’ locks features (like speed control) behind a payment:

via @eric:


K, I'm thinking of following some bluesky accounts via

Anyone I'm already interacting with here wanna link me their bsky accounts so I can see more of their stuff?

Honestly reframing goals and problems has been one of these super powers for managing stress for myself

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When the going gets tough change the concept of going.

@fleeky I have an "ultrawide" monitor so I place the "main thing" in the middle and more "reference" stuff in the corners. I make a lot of use of overlap and having multiple windows open (~12).

@fleeky I don't like tiling window managers. I like having a way to spatially organize stuff and they get in the way of that.

Eep. The default console in GNOME is taking up like 200 MB of ram for a single tab. The bloat Linux distros are okay with having in their core runtime is unfortunate. Might need to redo my OS yet again after spending all this time tinkering with it. 🤷

CL meta 

@evnnbd TBH I don't think I'd want to do any applications in CL still. I'm actually using JS for my transformer/tracing tool since it's fast and flexible and has a lot of libraries. I think the only thing I like about CL is how simple syntax is. 😅 If I was an emacs user I'd likely want to use lisp more. Likely in the future I'll be messing with Guile via spritely goblins though.

Strongly considering getting some pamphlets printed about the fediverse to hand out to folks since literally nobody (figuratively speaking) seems to know about it.

@BrodieOnLinux Honestly I love being a raccoon digging through dumpsters. I have years of experience lf finding all the good pizza and sometimes I find beans that are still unopened in a can. Usually I need to smash it with a rock (read through source code) to get at them though. 🦝

"You are not buying from a supplier, you are a raccoon digging through dumpsters for free code." is a fire quote

See if I transpile everything to common lisp it'll be easier to do code analysis for tracibility accross data pipelines and programming langiages.

@olm_e @tezoatlipoca @SyndicWill Yeah federation is a great step and pretty pragmatic. Personally I think it is still not enough because it requires somelne to foot the bill for servers and places control/responsibility over communities into the hands of a few sysadmin nerds. I am a sysadmin nerd but I don't like that my existence could make or break an instance.

My hot take is I kinda like the marketing stuff corpos do for april fools. The razor gaming chair tentacles were fun.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.