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hackers, in fiction: trying to take control of other people’s devices and steal their data

hackers, in reality: trying to take control over their own devices and prevent others from getting their own data

SaaS kinda feels like extortion sometimes. Bht I guess that's the core of capitalism?

Thinking about how Mozilla is "pivoting to AI" but DeepSpeech, one of the very few "AI" products you could possibly find a positive use for (pure-local speech recognition), is not only a Mozilla product but so abandoned that you actually have to downgrade to Python 3.9 to run it

@makeworld a few things tbh.

1. Thinking about mobile first. A lot of protocols end up focusing on desktop to server or desktop to desktop and don't account for stuff like NAT or intermittant uptimes. There's also the fact that storage modules take mobile storage location needs out of the box. Socket supply's packet routing is a bit better for networking and I think the holepunch dht is better for handling churn.

@light it's a new implementation from what I understand. I'm defs gonna set up an instance once it's out.

@makeworld One thing it's kinda lacking is in blob storage and packet forwarding use cases but I think those can be brought in as stuff running over the kv store and tunnels. We're gonna be experimenting with using iroh over the wire for blobs and documents and using tunnels for connecting and kv for group discovery


3. Key value stores are important for stuff like introducing peers or keeping small bits of shared state. It's less versatile thsn holochain or freenet but it's just enough to get the job done. Other dhts like mainline or hyperswarm don't have shared mutable state which can be annoying


2. Taking ip privacy more seriously while trying to keep speed and decentralization up. A lot of p2p protocols just give up rigjt away and mixnets lack p2p primitives or aren't as fast. For privacy perserving or censorship use cases this is crucial.

@makeworld a few things tbh.

1. Thinking about mobile first. A lot of protocols end up focusing on desktop to server or desktop to desktop and don't account for stuff like NAT or intermittant uptimes. There's also the fact that storage modules take mobile storage location needs out of the box. Socket supply's packet routing is a bit better for networking and I think the holepunch dht is better for handling churn.

@makeworld Yeah I wish the Synology Download Station could let me schedule bandwidth limits. I'm usually not using much internet outside of work hours for calls.

@light it's not out yet but it's like tiktok but federated. @dansup is working on it and already did such a good job with Pixelfed the instagram equivalent

@light @nlnetlabs Sweet I'll give them a peek. I've been looking at OTF too. I'm thinking to pitch either as censorship resistance tech with decentralized publishing or double down on people being able to make new decentralkzed web apps on fully local networks. I think the p2pad demo app has a lot of potential. Ipns://

@skryking I'm in Ottawa, Canada and use Bell Fibe. Unsure about other regions. 😅 I've fog like terabytes up in a month over here. Defs getting my money's worth 😝

@okdistribute Honestly it's a good thing to happen. Hope you're getting a lot of fun experiences in meatspace 🥰

@light @agregore Not actively. I'm looking for a grant to add a new protocol to it like veilid or pears. I use it daily for general web browsing though :)

Can't wait for loops to get released so I can ditch tiktok like I ditched twitter. Ads and algos give me too much psychic damage.

What if I run my matrix server as something behind a hidden server and just talk to postgres directly? I can skip pretending like I acre about anything other than the database. Http apis are just
in the way compared to raw SQL

@dade Oh wow I haven't even thought to optimize this. The selection for me is really random and Injust do whatsber the default settings can handle. Sometimes I stop seeding stuff that's wellbseeded anyway to ptioritize the lower seeder ones when I'm saturated.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.