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@KatS Do you have any example projects building on it out there? Sounds relevant to what I'm into.

@yala @pry I looove datalog. Have you seen any good impls out there other than datomic? I also don't think I've seen any "live query" options out there yet.

I was thinking wrapping stuff in HTTP with an EvenSource endpoint would get pretty far towards easy to use interfaces.

Does anyone actually try to hire companies that cold call them about "services" from scraped emails? Like, when is it ever anything but annoying spam. Even if I wanted the service I sure as hell wouldn't trust the person that spammed me about it.

I think what I want instead of apps is a standard datamodel in a graph database with live queries I can tie to table views.

"the internet is a resilient network"

the internet when one cdn goes down:

Accessibility in XR: the XR fragments spec now promotes 2-button navigation as well.
Beef up your 3D models with for an open, accessible, and interoperable XR internet ❤️

@lykso I think the main thing for me is that I am working accross 4 projects at once with different teams for each project. 😅 Thankfully the communications I *do* need to pay attention to are mostly signal and very little noise. Just a lot of it.

Defs more a fan of small shops.

Back on the grind. So many emails and messages to get through before I can even get to coding or writing.

The good news is that I have finally remapped my button layout on my GPD WIN 4 to something more useful!

Now I just need to rebuild my muscle memory when using it :P

Truly I live in a hell of my own invention for not using an off the shelf desktop environment.

It seems logging into a tty and spawning a weird window manager (niri) means I can't run XR software which seems to require a command that only works from a session that got started by x11. 😵😵😵

How the heck do I set a monitor as "non desktop" in wayland?

We need at least one of “hide reply” or “limit who can reply.” It’s like anyone can come and shit on your living room floor. And while you can throw them out after the fact, you can’t mop up the turd.

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Practical use for a tail: using it to hold a lantern over you so you can use both hands to open a map when in a dark cavern

how to browse the web in 2024

1. open site
2. close email subscription pop up
3. close push notifications
4. dismiss cookies pop up
5. dismiss the request for your location
6. close the "did you find what your were looking for?" dialog
7. apologize to those around you for the loud swearing
8. try to remember why you opened the site in the first place

I love open source software and being able to fix stuff and recompile 😭💜

Linux is fun because I need to do a bunch of incantations to figure out why my mirrors throw 404s when trying to install gdb.

@skryking I think here in Ontario it'dd be best described as "muggy with a chance of rain". 😅 Probably good duck feeding weather though

i will say though it's more fun than outdoors these days since it's so hot and mosquito covered and everything costs money to do. 😅

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@brandon Been playing it more today and I feel like one could get a good 30 hours out of the game at least. I just got a frigate and a colony to manage so combined with the main quest it's just about enough to keep my attention :P

@nasser I think it'd be great for folks thatenjoy doing the same thing over and over again though. I thibk the base building for yhe sake of base building aspect is probably also fun for folks?

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.