Over a decade of computers not wanting me to be able to compile stuff has helped me build enough intuition to the point that an obscure un-searchable error in a build process was fixed by changing the terminal's character encoding :P
Multiplexing code compilation, university ML signal processing courses, and docs for this Rust based ML framework.
Vacation is going great so far!
I really feels like casting spells that slowly drive mortals insane. The first time it's like "Yeah just install all these things and it's fine", but the second you try to reproduce an older build rather than the latest version it's like "Welcome to the depths of hell, your soul is now forfeit". Similar when trying to add or change a dependency.
i was wondering if sales of Luigi's Mansion will tick up for the end of the year because of recent events, and then i realized i could just start saying that online people would accept it on vibe alone.
so all you have to do is remember that sales for games in the Luigi's Mansion franchise bumped up 45% heading into this holiday season. let that rattle around in the ol' brain barrel. don't even worry about where you heard that -- you "read it somewhere." thats good enough.
Health and earbuds
@reconbot I've been using bone conducting ones on my temples to give my ears more of a break. They don't block sound as well but the audio can help muffle background sounds a bit still
For anyone curious, here's the code. It uses the new "Node SEA" method for single executible binaries but with some hacks to get native modules bundled statically and getting it to work with #hypercore This will be the foundation of the new version of HyperGodot.
I described it to my non techie friends as "I ripped out wherre it'd normally connect to it's organs but instead placed them in an external box. Now I'm going to make them create the box and hook up the organs as the program wakes up"
moderation by deed vs ethos
fedi moderates by ethos, and while fedi sucks for lots of reasons, this is not one of them. i don't see anyone within six degrees of singal because we ice them the moment they touch any one of us, sometimes many degrees out. i don't see nazi instances because they only have to be seen once to get iced.
you might think, can UBI abolish poverty? unless you institute strict price controls on survival goods, profiteers will simply raise prices to absorb UBI. the profiteer must be stripped of all power in this domain, so that survival can never be withheld. and once you have all those price controls, you will realize it is better to organize essential logistics without price as a guiding principle. abolish starvation with free food — how obvious
@tychi @akhileshthite Sweet. Gonna be afk this weekend but I'll check itbiut next week while I work on stuff
@wyatt8740 Probably not worth switching if you're happy with your current setup. 😅 I only switched because I was sick of GTK and KDE taking too many system resources. I think there's tools for bundling wayland apps into x11 windows out there too.
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.