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mute, block, report in the live laugh love font

My new years resolution is to treat more online stuff as pull based and just browse once a while

Thinking about this blog post I never published:

Might be cool to revisit it (before I was looking from a Node.js approach, now I'm not sure).

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Honestly, I think it might be worthwhile to stop worrying about getting native 2D UIs working cross platform using "native UI elements" and jump straight to 3D rendering with accessibility API integration. 🤷

tech complaints, GUI edition 

So far I've only managed to get FLTK and libui working.

FLTK is the one that doesn't handle native styles for some reason. They advertise that it's using native UI libraries, and it has a thing for theming, but it just gives me the default GTK style on Linux. 🙃

QT seems to be the most "cross platform", but it's environment is huge and full of corpo-ware.

I'd love to move past the "using entire web browsers for UI" mode of app development, but it's hard.

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tech complaints, GUI edition 

People love to complain about the web and how it's so awful and bad, but I'm looking at making a cross platform GUI which uses native elements, and the stuff I've tried either doesn't actually use native UI elements and styling or doesn't support basic stuff like scrollable areas.

Libui seemed super promising (trying it in ), but literally I can't make scrolling text with it. 🙃

It's gonna be fun when Tesla goes bankrupt and suddenly millions of folks find their car doesn't start anymore.

This is the first mainstream media use (by the Associated Press no less) I've seen of Webrecorder's ReplayWebPage JavaScript component for viewing web archives (scroll down to the tweet):

linux chatter 

K, I just need to restore my OTP authenticator settings and test them, then get local service discovery working and I'll be back to being productive with the new environment!

linux gripes 

I gotta say, figuring out how to get all my email and calendar things synced has been more frustrating than I expected. In GNOME I just added an "online account" in one place and it propogated everywhere on its own. For KDE, there seems to be a bunch of options between kmail/korganizer/etc and they aren't syncing together by the looks of it. 😅

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PS1='\[\033[01;31m\][\h\[\033[01;36m\] \W\[\033[01;31m\]]\$\[\033[00m\] '
I use this to make my terminal prompt look a bit more colorful. (set in my .bashrc)

Also I use this to make it easier to copy data and open files / folders.

alias clip='xclip -selection clipboard'
alias open='xdg-open'

Not having my entire window manager freeze when I close a terminal is a huge productivity boost so far. 🤪

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Konsole is taking a bit of getting used to. It doesn't seem to be handling the Fira Code font ligatures, and it's not saving the new "profiles" I'm creating for some reason.

zsh seems pretty fancy, but honestly I might go back to bash and use my bashrc from Pop OS.

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Main changes so far were to make the terminal pop up with meta+t, installing Fira Code and setting it as my default font for everything, changing the "close current window" command to meta+q

Not sure how to get touchegg working to enable the multi finger gestures I'm used to with my magic trackpad 2.

Once I get some of this stuff figured out, I'll be setting up Kvantum with the Sweet theme to make it look all fancy and seethrough.

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Migrating my Agregore history to my new OS install worked flawlessly so I don't need to log into everything again. :P

It seems that KDE+Manjaro freezes up super hard whenever I try to load element in it though. POP OS also let me know that the tab would get absolutely frozen and spike my CPU, but at least I could still interact with everything else. :P

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Your periodic reminder that just because a URL is saved at doesn't mean it's going to stay there.

Last year, I wrote a series about proxy services marketed to cybercriminals, and that relied heavily on links to document various connections. After my story ran, the person that those links concerned asked Archive to remove those links from their database, which they did. The person in question came back and said hey, what you said in your story is wrong because there's no supporting evidence and you must remove this. confirmed they removed all of the pages at the request of the domain holder, and that was that.

If you stumble upon a page that is in and you want to make sure there is a record that won't be deleted at some point, consider saving the page to

Alternatively, of course, you could save the page locally, using something like Firefox's built-in full page screenshot (right click on page). Better yet, save the pages you want locally.

Apple is probably releasing their VR/AR product this year, which means they're probably going to patent a *bunch* of stuff which is wildly obvious but just coincidentally has never been shipped before. So it's occurring to me it is a good idea to start publicly documenting various "hey, you know what would be a good idea to do in VR" ideas, so we can point to it as prior art when the lawsuit happens.

Some things I've been thinking about for years:

K, backed up my home folder on my external drive. Time to attempt an fresh OS install and copy back the application data. 🤞

Thinking more people are going to engage with you on mainstream social media “because everyone’s there” is like thinking people at a stadium concert are there to listen to you. It‘s only true if you’re one of the ones on stage. Not so much when you’re huddled in the nosebleeds.

Forget the numbers. Forget about “going viral” (leave it to the psychopaths in Silicon Valley to make virus-like behaviour aspirational). Embrace the joy of interacting with one another on a human scale.


fantasy violence and gore 

We ended up teleporting into the center of it and exploding it from the inside 🥰

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.