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Bouta spend 700 bucks to set up my family and friends with NASs as a fuck you to streaming and cloud services for getting too extractive.

Of course you should only be downloading media that you have rights to and should *NOT* follow this guide for adding more search engines to the built in Download Station software.

The Download Station software *shouldn't* be used for pirating copyrighted material from the comfort of any web browser!

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For example, this guy is going to cost less than a year of Netflix and nobody can randomly take away any media you have saved.

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For anyone else pissed off about , I suggest cancelling your subscription and getting a Synology NAS. (and get one for whoever you were sharing Netflix with before too)

It's got a nice web interface for downloading stuff (with a search!) and it can stream to all of your devices (on your home network) via the "SMB" protocol.

Just get the cheapest one that has their browser OS thingie.

venting about netflix 

SaaS companies are vile and greedy little leaches. They leach from people that actually create content, and they leach from people that pay for it.

I'm already paying them for their fancy mutli-device package but apparently now I need to fork over more just so that my mom can watch some shitty copaganda show once in a while.

Honestly might just cancel outright and teach my folks how to use something else.

@jalcine @thelinuxEXP side loading and promoting the use of alt stores is a huge feature in the current zeitgeist of locked down app stores. I really wish we could get some more positive press about how being able to choose your own stores and get apps from anywhere and have it be safe because of sandboxing is a good thing!

By the way, we've got new docs up on how to use the protocol handlers in which you can check out here:

All you need to get started is to install Agregore and open up the Dev Tools.

I'm up here on the lumberjack statue trying to eat his hat but I'm not getting the cheeve for it 😨 What other hat am I even gonna fund!

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My goat is now a fairy. 🥰

Honestly hard to make an image caption that captures this majesty

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My goatsona. Purple hotrod fur, fairy wings to fly around, extra horns, skull mask to summon more goat friends, and taco shoes for fart jumps. 😎😎😎

debugging tech errors IPFS-edition 

Today's episode: Why is my IPFS file sync taking minutes for just a few files?

Problem: v1 is taking like 3 minutes just to sync 44 MB of files from a static site and is taking up a strangely large amount of CPU and Disk to process. This then causes the process to be killed which corrupts the IPFS repo and requires manual intervention.

So far my gut feeling is this is due to me using `flush: true` when uploading data to MFS


1. Google has some bad summarization telling people that throwing batteries into the ocean is good.
2. News articles were written about this.
3. Bing's summarization interprets these articles as advice to ... throw batteries in the ocean!


(To clarify: this is classic Bing, not ChatGPT Bing.)

(Also note not everyone gets this result. Other queries that might work: "is throwing a battery in the ocean beneficial", "is throwing a battery in the ocean useful" without quotes)

I pay several times more running a Mastodon instance than I would for twitter blue. AMA

This Google Meet could have been a Zoom Call that could have been the sound of 2 leaves colliding in a stream.

COMPOST and Distributed Press are sister projects of two tech worker co-ops, Hypha Worker Co-op (Canada) and Sutty (Argentina)!

We've been partnering with Filecoin Foundation for the DWeb since Fall 2022 to bring no-code publishing tools to the decentralized Web built for activists, journalists, artists + offline folks.

Beta release coming soon to a web near you! More here >>

Maybe AI models destroying search results and trust in digital information will being a resurgence of people depending on librarians to get research information. 😛

Google's Bard demo shows it confidently giving you an incorrect answer to a question, right there in the product announcement.

My daughter is working on an assignment about the benefits and drawbacks of automation right now. She's having a hard time finding reliable sources on the internet.

This is all just great.

Personally, I wish that the "code red" response that ChatGPT inspired at Google wasn't to launch a dozen AI products that their red teams and AI ethicists have warned them not to release, but to combat the tsunami of AI-generated SEO spam bullshit that's in the process of destroying their core product. Instead, they're blissfully launching new free tools to generate even more of it.

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Should I live-toot my thinking process when working through stuff some time?

Mostly debugging random nodejs stuff, getting native binaries to build, and maybe a bit of p2p stuff if I'm lucky.

Neat topic

> Why does the Second Law work? And does it even in fact always work, or is it actually sometimes violated? What does it really depend on? What would be needed to “prove it”?

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.