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Apparently the Max has a button that turns on "3d mode" by presenting the two eyes as separate (or was it extended?) displays.

I'm planning to use this for shenanigans by having different windows presented in each eye. E.g. on my left I can have my chats and references, and on my right I can have my terminals / editors.

It's likely it won't just work out of the box, but it'd be fun if it did. :P

Matrix server is still busted. At least it means I'm free from responding to notifications today. It's like a snow day for my brain. 🥰

Hopefully I don't lose all my data and don't need to set up all my bridges and channels again.

description of the Holocaust, fuck George Orwell 

isaac asimov on george orwell

I'm digging how hackable the authors made Rhasspy. It's pythonic and the protocols are as human readable as possible. Python makes it pretty easy to find patterns in text and Rhasspy hides ~all of the complexities of voice. I can just write a script that accepts a string of words that were recognized, do whatever (call out to remote services, append the text to a file, ..), and then return text if I want the service to convert it to speech.

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Well shit. looks like my matrix server is busted 🙃

tried flashing with the latest manjaro-mobile and now it just won't boot :P

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tried to flash my again and it seems that there still major usability errors.

"Suspend seems to be breaking the lockscreen, requiring a reboot." and "Customizations might not last through reboots." seem like nonstarters for me 😅

Dear North Americans,

Please stop using seasons when referring to release dates etc.

Kind regards,
The southern hemisphere.

If you're at a company that's exhibiting abusive behaviors internally or externally, start a union, track their behaviors and let's work together to fix this shit. We cannot keep accepting these states of affairs.

Hell yeah, it’s Friday night. Time to send a couple texts and immediately fall asleep

Honestly I'm really happy with the simplicity of this tool. With it I can debug large datasets of data without needing to touch the network or maintain a web app.

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Just created a new arcane spell "bafkqabanbigqu". It's a "Content ID" for the string `\r\n\r\n`.

OK I admit it. Static types can help catch bugs sometimes. :P Lost a couple hours of work because I was using `.length` instead of `.recordLength`

#Gmail is starting to show even more ads -- and they're appearing in the middle of email lists.

There's a real benefit to using email software that doesn't rely on YOUR data to generate revenue or train AI.

Thunderbird: Ad-free since 2003.


Didn't get a grant after months of radio silence and no real insight as to why. 🙃

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.