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Whenever the ruling class starts to sense a threat to their power, that’s when they start picking out ordinary things in society and declaring them to be alien threats, and that anyone who disagrees or downplays the threat must be siding with the enemy.

We will be moving Virgo laptop PCB design to this public, GPLv3 licensed project: This will be the most open, modern x86 motherboard design I know of.

Godot is legitimately incredible. Anyone who can donate, please do. Unity heavily detracts from OSS and does its best to corner developers into Microsoft platforms, and Unreal Engine also isn't exactly OSS either. Godot does amazing work given its status, so if you can, go donate.


Updated Steam OS and now any apps that have GNOME dependencies work even less.

Gotta figure out setting up my calendar yet again. 😭

Partially blind guy here with an #a11y PSA:

I'm seing a trend away from "Text Size" sliders or old fashioned font dialogs and towards a few set choices "Default", "Large","Larger", etc.

This is a HUGE step backwards. Your 'larger' is *never* large enough for my crazy busted eyeballs when I'm using my 34" monitor.

If you must do this, please be sure to add "Largest" and even "ZOMG ARE YOU SERIOUS LARGE" options. Some of us REALLY need them, even if it seems insane to you.

This one cuts deep:
The modern condition is mostly trying to do things on your own that people have historically achieved with a large support network and wondering why you're tired all the time.

you heard about panic attacks but get ready for these moments when you suddenly remember an embarassing thing you did in the past. i call them cringe attacks

operating systems 

"linux is free only if you don't value your time 😏"
yeah well windows is free only if you don't value your dignity. also it's full of ads. also it's not free.

study finds no videogames exist anymore
if you think you've played a videogame in the last month you may have been affected by the psychic wipe known as the liberation
if you can read this message, there may yet be hope for you
all you need to do is stop playing and realize your computer was turned off all along

Reading a fantasy book about dragons and I have hot takes. Dragon girls are advanced horse girls. ACAB includes dragon riders. 🐉 /j

Got a new mini keyboard. It has physical scroll wheels which is great, but sadly the trackpad has trouble with dragging motions.

Also it seems the left click button is inserting an open bracket and newline instead 🙃

Gonna try finding another one with a physical scroll wheel too see how that goes.

Girlbossing so close to the sun I end up passing right through

One of these days I'll work on something straightforward where I draw within the lines and don't need to constantly fight the status quo. 😭

Looks like it doesn't handle schemaless URLs either. :P e.g. `//`.

I'll need to use absolute HTTPS URLs while we figure out how to get the relative URLs into the stack. Might need to publish both side by side.

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Dang, looks like doesn't handle relative URIs when parsing / data.

For example I can't set the `id` of a post to be a relative URL since it loads it as raw JSON.

This makes it harder to publish static data to

Very excited by the work The Thought Emporium folks are doing on making meat do interesting things.

Life seems like a great medium to replace silicon in the future.

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.