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The thing about the fedi is that if you act like an utter dickhead in people's mentions, people notice.

And some of those people are admins who don't need anyone's permission to suspend you from their server.

I hate that innocent people have to face that abuse first.

But admins of your server have the ability to ban someone, even if they are on another server.

That doesn't ban them from the server they are on, but at least ensures no one else on your server will have to deal with them.

That's why Reports are useful. You're basically sending a message to the mods of your server saying, "This dickhead okay with you?"

Do not hesitate to do this, even if the offender isn't on your server.

@carnage4life It seems to me there’s a not-collusion-but-nudge-nudge-wink-wink “something in the air” trend in the tech industry to lay people off. It started late last year, but companies are still trying to see how long they can continue to lay people off in dribs and drabs, to take advantage of the fact that people currently can’t go to competitors for better pay. This seems like a continuation of that trend to me.

I think their short term goal is to goose profits by reducing payroll, but the medium term goal is to backfill positions in a year at a lower pay rate—because companies still need laborers to do work to remain competitive.

I also think companies are (not so) secretly hoping that AI will prove to be an effective replacement for many of the laid-off employees this year, so they wouldn’t have to rehire.

Just presented this today. Took an hour longer than planned but I think that's a good sign!

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@brecht @juergen_hubert The most important thing to know about every feature is how to disable it

Listening to some hardcore and writing slides on why verifiable indexed databases are good.

One of the neat things about using content addressed data structures is that you can trust that a database query is valid by verifying the subset of a merkle tree related to your data instead of needing to trust a central database server that it isn't omitting or inventing data.

It also allows you to parallellize donwloads from larger peers and reduce the bottlenecks on central "full nodes".

The failure of the Internet to deliver its promise is particularly noticeable when you hunt for repair manuals for a product from the 90s. Used to be, the information would either be there or not there, finable or unfindable.

Now, there are hundreds of algorithmically generated sites claiming to have it just because it appeared in their search logs, generating potemkin village content traps with endless paging, broken-thumbnail named-like-the-file-you-want but actually-just-ebay-photos bullshit

People working in tech need to be paying attention to what is happening with unions and strikes across America right now.

Take notes y’all.

Also kinda surprising that doesn't have built in `set` types? I get that you can "use a map like a set" but it feels super janky and lacks any of the APIs one would hope a set to have. 😅

Let's be clear. Those "low value" degrees are all the degrees were you learn how power works. How knowledge is made. Where hierarchies and ideologies come from. And why all of that is considered "low value" and by whom.

@coop Would y'all be into working together to get more fediverse tech into the Canadian government?

Honestly open source stuff is a gift. Every time a stranger fixes a bug just cause I brought it up in an issue tracker I feel a bit of comradery. Also when I finally get time to fix or review fixes for random modules I maintain in my spare time.

Am I reading this correctly? The standard library has no built in function to get a slice of keys from a map? You need to iterate every single time and build up an extra list??

Thanks to efforts by volunteers Nosamu and bai0, the Internet Archive's flash emulation just jumped generations ahead.

Mute/Unmute works. The screen resizes based on the actual animation's information. And for a certain group who will flip their lid:

We can do multi-swf flash now!

A pile of previously "broken" flashes will join the collection this week.

Reminder to book your tickets for + Camp !

I'm still figuring out my logistics, but I'm planning on attending and bringing some stuff to demo!

Gonna be chatting and and and the social implications of technology and alternative ways of organizing.

📣 BIG NEWS! We're launching a podcast🎙️!

The Causal Islands Podcast 🏝️ will feature thought-provoking interviews with leading experts in distributed systems, AI, computing, and more, exploring the intricate connections between tech + society and how they will shape our future.

EP01 is next Wednesday, the 19th, with special guests @jenn, Chia Amisola, Michael R. Bernstein, and Quinn Wilton.

Register here to join us LIVE!

Neat, on !

Excited by the prospect of getting this wired up to Monado and my Rokid headset eventually.

is like email but for social media. The Social Inbox will enable you to get new comments and followers to your statically published website from any AP-capable service and will work across static blogs too!

If you squint at the fediverse enough you can image a discord like interface where threads are threads and channels are hashtags. I wonder hoe it'd feel to use like

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.