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so far it has been removing files not linked to any posts and boy howdy there is a lot of them.

honestly where did these files even come from?

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If you're still using Chrome for performance reasons:
- Firefox is now faster than Chrome out-of-the-box
- Firefox uses less memory than Chrome
- Contrary to Chrome, Firefox does not restrict Ad blockers, which will make your browsing experience much faster (and safer).

Whoops, my single user instance with 150 gb of storage got filled up again. 🙃

Found this blog post for pruning data and it's helped.

THEM: If it was important, you'd remember

ME: [has ADHD] I frequently forget that close friends of mine exist

Hey folks! We've published our first round of using and
Learn how to build your own development environment from scratch, or how to make a theme editor to customize the look and feel of Agregore and any compatible web apps.

@alcinnz @mauve Yeah honestly, it'd be great to see some alternatives to JS heavy web pages. It'd also be interesting to get more user theming into user agents similar to what we have for desktop environments.

Hey folks! I've done a writeup on the tools we'll be adding to the integration.

This is based on talking to folks on here and reading through discussions people have been having around this topic. We'll be using these tools for blogs we post at and will be improving them as we go.

K, I think Gaia is calling upon me to make some themed and or clients with custom user styling. 😈

Hey folks! I've done a writeup on the tools we'll be adding to the integration.

This is based on talking to folks on here and reading through discussions people have been having around this topic. We'll be using these tools for blogs we post at and will be improving them as we go.

Looks like I'll be paying 3x the amount for rent after moving, but at least I'll have 3x the space and quiet and get to live with my partner. 😅

Doing some apartment hunting with my partner and god damb I love how convenient my steam deck is to use on my couch while we watch tv. I hope the handheld pc market grows so more folks can have usable computers in the hands instead of their laps.

<script>if(navigator.getEnvironmentIntegrity!==undefined)document.querySelector('body').innerHTML='<h1>Your browser contains Google DRM</h1>"Web Environment Integrity" is a Google euphemism for a DRM that is designed to prevent ad-blocking. In support of an open web, this website does not function with this DRM. Please install a browser such as <a href="">Firefox</a> that respects your freedom and supports ad blockers.';</script>

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i want the default computing experience to be 90s anime tech aesthetics.

i want to go to my friend's house and they're like "look at this thing" and i take a peek at their computer and i'm just like "what the fuck even is this" as they shlunk a 12-disk array into a matching set of disk slots and type a bunch of commands to boot up a program with a UI like nothing i have ever seen in my life

and the program is just like. a basic chat client. but like, the coolest basic chat client you've ever seen

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in the future, basically all websites will be full of unblockable ads and/or implemented entirely in ultra-fucked webassembly/opengl, and the tech-savvy will browse the web entirely through cat & mouse proxy servers running headless browsers to OCR the inaccessible content back into old-fashioned normal HTML and illegally redistribute it through peer-to-peer networks

So far I think it'd be easier for me to search stuff up and write code myself than use these large language models. :P

Amassing a small mob to see the barbie movie tomorrow. Kinda hard to coordinate a bunch of adults with schedules. Even harder to bridge the gap between discord gamers and instagram artsy folks. :P

Turns out that Web Environment Integrity proposal everybody is getting angry about (imo very legitimately) was effectively already shipped by Apple in Safari last year:

That means if Chromium ships it too, we could quickly move to 90%+ of browser traffic being attested. Not good!

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.