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No Mastodon, I do not ever want to use a hashtag in all lower case, stop suggesting it. #CamelCase is the #Accessibility option.

Looks like Jitsi started requiring accounts to start chat rooms. Anyone have alternatives for open source ish video calls?

- no need for registering an account
- Using webrtc in browsers
- firefox support
- "pretty" urls like "/call/my-cusom-room-name"
- open source ish and self hostable

Since I've seen a lot of chatter about people switching to #Firefox as Google ramps up the enshitification of #Chrome, let me tell you about a killer feature for people who (a) need multiple accounts on the same websites (eg. devs) or specifically (b) have to use multiple Google accounts.

Firefox has an official addon called Multi Account Containers that lets you trivially set up color coded tabs that have separate sets of cookies. Log into your dev account in one, and your test account in another. Log into your personal #gmail in one and have another tab next to it with your work Gmail. I'm actually not signed in to any Google accounts in most my tabs, I just have containers for the specific tasks I do on Google products.

It'll take you 30 seconds to set up.


Mozilla's explanation:

This is a new post that's getting sent right into your inbox. Can you see it?

Reply-guy is out. It's "people with replies" now. Get with the program. 😤 /j

I hate it when you follow a link to a really great blog post and you're two paragraphs in thinking oh my god this is really good but then a modal popup window from substack asks you to subscribe to this newsletter and you have to hit "continue reading" to finish and then you wonder if this great blog entry will last on someone else's service that may not be around in a few years

Some of you are wondering how the cars collect and share this if they have no internet connection. A lot of this data is actually collected through other means, and when you are in touch with a dealership. So it’s direct contact but also info they proactively collect through social media (not kidding! I just read Nissan’s privacy notice again) and credit reporting entities. If you have downloaded one of their apps, the internet connection is right there.

Of course, a lot more cars than you imagine have internet connections, and cars have had some sort of onboard computer since the 1970s. A lot of data is stored until it can be accessed or uploaded. And you often don’t even have to press buttons for something to be logged. Sensors are always on, marketed as making you safer, but also saving data to be sold to third parties.

So car companies may also combine information collected about you from your car with personal information they get from third parties. Then they can share (or even sell) that information, and any “inferences” they made based on it, to all kinds of businesses

And here’s another kicker… just by sitting in a vehicle that uses NissanConnect services, you agree to have your data collected by Nissan. So if you hitch a ride with a friend’s Nissan, you are on Nissan’s radar. The privacy policy makes it the responsibility of the owner to disclose this to anyone travelling in their car.

One nice thing about the battery life on my steam deck is that if it gets to the low 20's I know I've been staring at my screen for too long and should switch it up.

I wish the web monetization spec didn't end up breaking down. It'd be really cool if folks could use whatever payment system they wanted and have their user agents and bridges figure out how to route stuff. The single implementation and hard requirements to use Know Your Customer tracking wasn't great though.

Like what if we had a FEP for tying ways folks could pay you with your ActivityPub Actor.

For real we should ditch wallets and password managers and OAuth and instead use public keys + ActivityPub Actors + HTTP Signing. Though I guess it puts a lot of trust into the DNS layer?

Fun fact, looks like our admin registration is going to use the same http auth mechanisms.

Here's how it looks:
- Keep list of admins in webmention format in the DB
- Admins talk to the API using signed HTTP requests
- API verifies requests by verifying the signatures

Cool side effects? No need for storing a password or issuing tokens or actual admin account data. We can also use wildcards in the list like `@*` to allow any account from a given domain to have access.

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Tee hee, just added blocklist importing to the using Mastodon's blocklist format :P

See my pals in meatspace definitely know I'm a massive tech geek but I feel like they don't always think about the depth to which tech geekery has a stranglehold on my soul. 😅

Every time I need to load a large chunk of data into memory instead of streaming it and processing chunks of it at a time my brain starts buzzing from the code smell.

Also whenever I use blocking IO on a single threaded codebase 😱😱

My poor RAM. It should be caching files instead of buffering!

Ok, ok… I recycle, I compost, I bring my own bag to the grocery store. But hear me out, what if maybe, just maybe, WE GET THE G-20 TO REDIRECT THE $1.3 TRILLION IN ANNUAL FOSSIL FUEL SUBSIDIES TOWARDS SOLAR, WIND, AND GEOTHERMAL?!?

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills! (Gift link, no paywall)

You’re doing it wrong: Recycling and other myths about tackling climate change

I feel like humans being persistence hunters carries over in my hunt for making code work. I'm out here tracking the functioning configuration through the potential space of all possible code and sweating up a storm not to overheat.

"aha, the import didn't work due to a version conflict" is pretty much the same as "Aha here's a tuft of gazelle fur on this branch" or whatever

Luckily I am a wizard and have made NPM and Node.js do things so depraved that a mere typescript inconvenience cannot stop me 😈

The stuff I've done to make stuff build for react-native and cordova qualifies for one of those "This Place is not a Place of Honor" signs.

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Now some dependency's build system for typescript got busted and it doesn't have the transpiled JS available in the dist folder. And of course NPM decides it has to preemptively update all my dependencies when I try to install an unrelated new one. 🙃

Is this really worth it? Hours wasted dealing with build systems to catch bugs that would be caught by a linter and unit tests anyway?

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Gosh typescript brings me so much needless suffering sometimes. 😅

The real pain is when it refuses to run when the equivalent in regular JS would work. Like, I promise you the types match up just trust me bro. I think I'd find it less frustrating if it wasn't wrong so often.

Type 'ReadableStream<Uint8Array>' is missing the following properties from type 'ReadableStream<any>': values, [Symbol.asyncIterator]

35 const parser = Readable.fromWeb(response.body)


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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.