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writing documentation on the new stuff I've been doing with and and listening to this electronic music artist from Paris.

not sure what it is but french people know electronic music 🥰

gender stuff (positive) 

I used to get frustrated a lot by folks misgendering me back before I came out as non-binary. It didn't matter too much but it was like I wasn't performing gender well enough and folks would give me a hard time about it.

Now I go to the pizza place and get sir and mammed minutes apart by different employees and it just makes me giggle since I can sit comfortably in my androgny.

Also when folks they/them me without needing to have to spell it out for them. 🥰

Compaints have now been reduced to grumblings. Still hurts to type though :P Doing a bunch of docs today so I'll see if I can do the bulk via STT

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ha ha I think at this point I've been fully consumed by the beast known as Semantic Web. (though maybe that means I can eat some of it from the inside with p2p tech)

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I think it'd be cool if in addition the client-server interface we had some sort of standard for accessing your timeline using Linked Data Framgents or something similar. It'd be nice if "what you seen on your timeline" was more of a client side concern and portable accross implementations instead of needing a custom mastodon-only endpoint.

oof, I think I am approaching "caught up" on my sleep thanks to missing this alarm this morning 💀

Also it seems CBD actully works for me when I'm already a lil tired.

My Self Portrait is complete again!
After dat:, hyper: and Beaker browser got obsolete, I had to discontinue the 3rd frame.
Now it's back.
ipfs: is the protocol.
Recommended browser is Agregore - new, elegant and modest. I hope it stays with us for some time and maybe even outlives Brave :)

Went too hard and now every nerve ending and neuron is complaining.

honestly I'm still chasing the fun of organic social discovery from SSB 😅

Sadly I haven't been able to get aby clients to work lately

14 hours coding straight and I've got the verifiable database demo working :P

Join us tomorrow for Episode 3 of the Causal Islands Podcast!

We're speaking with special guests Jon Corbett about acimow/Cree#, his Cree programming language, and @nasser about Alb, his Arabic programming language.

If you are passionate about programming languages, you won't want to miss this one. #programminglanguages

I played a bit more with Numen (a cool voice control system, see I can not only control my desktop, laptop, or linux mobile phone (#sxmo) with it, but also my house (lights, heating, media, etc) from all of these devices. Next I'll hook some mics to my raspberry pi's and control home automation from there.

All this on-device, no cloud connections, and definitely no "Hey Google", "Siri" or "Alexa"!

#diy #homeautomation #numen

Fun fact about Microsoft #Windows: if you type Ctrl-Shift-Alt-Win-L, LinkedIn will open in your default browser. This is an OS hotkey that cannot be turned off.

I know this reads like a joke but it isn't.

Honestly, essay writing was a useful skill from school and I kinda wish I had practiced more as a kid.

the hard part about hating computers is loving computers so, so much

I spent most of the time I've been trying to run a game company regretting the early decision to not use Unity for my project. But reading this, I'm really, really, *really* glad I don't have Unity anywhere in my stack

Things that stand out here:

- The pricing plan is baffling. It's like they designed it to make it impossible for you to make rational decisions about what you're getting into
- If they bait-switch you like this now, what will they do in ANOTHER 2 years?

We absolutely understand that not everyone can donate. In that case, please share the Godot Dev Fund link! Spreading the word is an excellent way to help.

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I was featured in a news article about blind people using high speech rates over the weekend. I probably wouldn't have chosen the synth they chose for the "test your skills" video, but that's a minor nitpick.

Hi, I'm a Haskell programmer. I spent so long getting a math PH.D I forgot "words" can contain more than one letter. I think comp (q,r,s,t) (u,v,w,x) = (q*u+r*w,q*v+r*x,s*u+t*w,s*v+t*x) is "self-documenting code"

Need a second letter in your variable name, just for a laugh? We already have that: It's called '

— A Haskell programmer

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.