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On Thursday 5, we'll have a new #AMA session with
@mauve about agregore browser #P2P

Come join us and learn more about the distributed web!

I think in the future if I am ever writing a code paper I am just going to take the list of contributors and copy paste that into the authors list with links to a git blame (with consent). If we're going to have a credit assignment system as broken as authorship, we can at least err on the "include everyone" side of the brokenness - I want the person who submits a PR to fix a typo in the docs to get credit for helping. People being incentivized to make lots of little contributions is good, actually.

It should be the same way with regular papers too - put your lab techs and undergrads on the paper! Put on the grad student/postdoc who isnt explicitly assigned to this project but ends up helping out anyway. Its literally free! Authorship inflation is a made up problem thats not even a problem!

feels good to be back in the saddle! catching up on all of my missed notifications and emails, starting writing new design dogs for projects, tugging on potential leads. I still don't have my computer table or monitor set up but I'm enjoying just sitting on the couch with my steam deck and my speech to text

@powersource @kaasbaas no worries, this stuff is complicated 😊 if you’re talking specifically about the first connection, it’s literally just a json array of IPs and Ports, everyone does a fan-out send of a join packet with their IP and port and the cluster/topic they are a part of, an optimized gossip protocol starts seeking anyone else who has done the same, peers then introduce each other.

I have a narrow definition of #p2p: it’s PEER TO PEER.

Looks like my chortisol levels are finally decreasing. Been a really intense few months with lots of big spikes. Tomorrow I'll be getting back in the groove and utilizing my newfound energy reserves.

#google making search results worse on purpose to juice queries is a fully predictable feature of their business model, I just didnt expect them to be so nervous about it. #LLM search is just a refinement on the ad revenue potential of iterative search, with the added bonus of surveillance-backed "queryless" search - an LLM "assistant" volunteering information, presumably whenever Google needs to meet expected earnings.


Sleep is probably my favorite thing to try and fail at almost every night

- If you care about the facts of the case, let's consider that **the robot was not actually stolen** and yet they were seemingly charged with "grand larceny," a felony. The robot drove away, of its own volition

Now that we've seen seen the legal mechanism used by police to compel a food delivery robot company to give them footage, we can now have a conversation about whether we as a society want ubiquitous, subpoenable cameras on wheels driving around our sidewalks at all times.

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- The concerning thing here is the mechanism of what happened. The robots are recording, the footage is saved, the cops have realized they have the legal authority to request it, have indeed requested it using a subpoena, and have used it to secure a conviction

- The company has no publicly stated policy about how the footage should be used, how long it will be stored, when they will and will not share it

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Obligated periodic reminder
that I am currently Looking for Work! ✨

Remotely from Canada 🇨🇦
(ideally, but flexible)

At a great organization 💚

Related to one of those fields:
#Privacy #Security #Tech #DigitalRights #HumanRights #Python

Check this post for more details:

#GetFediHired #FediHired #JobSearch #LookingForWork #JobsCanada #JobsCanadaLooking

The Russian Revolution, for example, began with strikes and became violent when the czar deployed the army against the striking workers. If there is violence intrinsic to efforts by the exploited to free themselves, it would seem that such violence is intrinsic to the oppressors, not the oppressed.

Let’s consider another example: American chattel slavery, which was obscenely violent. Millions of Africans died in the process of enslavement, and slave owners used daily murder, torture, rape, and mutilation to maintain their system of exploitation.

During the history of chattel slavery in the US, maybe some 100,000 slaves escaped to freedom via the Underground Railroad. Few, if any of them, freed themselves via violence. In fact, the slave revolt that caused the most casualties among slave owners was Nat Turner’s Rebellion in 1831. Somewhere between 55 and 65 whites were killed.


For anyone who is considering it for their own org, I shifted my org to a four day workweek several months ago, just as others globally are starting to (including, civil servants in Scotland!)

100% endorse. We are getting the same amount of work done because we are less bored, stressed and tired. We all take off Fridays. Everyone’s pay remained the same.

Some people use the time for a paid second gig. Others to volunteer or like me, to read a book with a cat snuggled near by.


Just got my temporary fob to get in my new building!! They're finishing up the landlord special (thick layer of white paint) but I should be good to move in tomorrow. Feels good to be almost done with everything 😭😭

Hey, does anyone have any software development work that needs doing? I have some free months that need filling with contracts!

I know a number of languages including but certainly not limited to Python, Java, C, JavaScript, Vala, Haskell, Lua, Julia, GLSL, & more.

I have experience with standards & standards-setting, geospatial data, metadata, linked-data, opensource, static websites, GTK apps, & I'm developing a browser engine.

Also: I enjoy speaking!


I wish I didn't auto delete my toots sometimes, as I predicted this about 6 months ago...

People are injecting malware responses into Microsoft's AI, so now when you ask it questions it is serving people malware downloads.

we've had some successful strikes yes, but what about a lot more successful strikes?

... and if you're in tech, here's a brilliant book about how You Deserve A Tech Union:

To be clear by number I meant the lil ticket thingie that tells you which place you are in the queue :P

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.