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Whereas, women need pockets, and
Wheress, the fashion industry is improving but moving too slowly to address their previous problems,
Therefore, I submit the following schedule of charges amending the Fashion Crimes Amendment of 1982, title II, p 7, s iii to cover all genders of clothing:

Two or more roomy pockets: no crime
One roomy pocket: misdemeanor (FCA II.3.iv)
No pockets: felony (FCA II.3.v)
Fake pockets:
- first offense, felony plus charge of fraud;
- second offense, summary execution

here are some things that would help me as a blind person regarding online accessibility (mobile for me):

- all apps should display all text sizes (iphone goes up to 310%)
- all apps should display bold text if it's turned on in the system settings
- there should be a standard for text size; if my text size is 100% across all apps, then an instagram post, a toot, a text message etc. should all be the same size, no more "instagram and tumblr are always slightly smaller for some reason" bs
- an app's formatting (such as buttons, alerts etc) needs to be compatible with large text! large text doesn't help me if all the buttons are suddenly overlapping or i can't get out of an alert window because they forgot to program the ability to scroll. no more overlapping shit, no more missing shit, no more "i can't get out of this window without closing the app and changing my text size"
- usernames, channel names, all word and sentences should be fully visible even with large text! i don't know what channel "# ge..." is on discord. find a way to make it visible, either make it multiple lines, give me the ability to side scroll or make it move like a spotify song title
- make sure things that shouldn't be affected by large text aren't! if i need to scan a barcode and my large text settings make it unrecognisable to the machine, that's unhelpful
- all apps should have a light mode and a dark mode! certain conditions make it easier to see light mode, others make it easier to see light mode
- dark mode should be as high-contrast as light mode, i.e. white on black, not white on dark grey
- probably have other options beyond regular dark and light mode
- on apps that let you customise your profile a lot visually, give the option to view it in your phones' settings, i.e. if someone's got a dark red on black serif-font tumblr, i wanna be able to make it into a white on black plain font tumblr
- alt text should be accessible without a screenreader
- there should probably be a dedicated field for video descriptions too
- apps that give hashtags a different colour than the rest of the text should let you choose the colour
- all apps should let you view someone's profile picture in full size
- this one is specific to instagram: let us fucking zoom in normally! why do i have to do finger gymnastics just to stay zoomed in and read text on a picture? the zoom should work the same way it does in my photo library and literally everywhere else

most of these shouldn't be that hard and they would make my life a hell of a lot easier. i'm tired of running into issues because i'm too blind to read regular size text.

#disabled #accessibility #blind

reminder: tomorrow, October 13, 2023 will be the most difficult day to play nethack for years in either direction and ascending during this confluence of bad luck would be turboswag.

#nethack #roguelike

a good thread

the root of all evil in the modern web is monopolism and copyright. the web started getting shit -- truly shit not just banner ads but really bad -- when the acquisition-as-growth monopolism started emerging with tech companies, and when DRM became the default mode of creating lock in.

rather than building new stuff, sufficiently large companies could just buy startups. and so rather than risk losing users, companies could just acquire potential competitors and avoid the risk

and to keep those users locked in, they could add the slimmest of DRM and turn webscraping into a felony

the larger a company is, the more incentive it has to do this and the more resources it has to do this

the solution is to break up the tech giants and repeal section 1201 of the dmca

i go to mastodon. i complain about bug. rando says "treatment is simple. great clown maintainer is on github tonight. file an issue. that should fix your bug." i burst into tears. say: "but rando.... i am maintainer"

This whole "real names in open source" discussion is kinda amusing to me, because at one point I was in the credits of a project under three separate names.

The year is 2030.

Computers boot directly into the browser. IDEs are just a web app now, running in the GPU. No one knows why. Or how.

All programs run in 4 nested containers on top of a hypervisor abstracting over the 5 major computational clouds. The last time a branch was predicted correctly, in any CPU anywhere, was 4 years ago.

Cloud costs are withdrawn directly from your retirement fund.

Ext7 just came out, it's written in Javascript and uses AI to guess what the file may contain.

Another thing, I hate how they mangle all URLs with their tracker shit. I want to just go to the link and be able to send it somewhere else if I want.

It;s just so stupid I'm forced to use this

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Ugh I hate google so much and I find it so intensely frustrating when orgs require google accounts for email/etc.

Each time I need to navigate through this shitty labyrinth of menus to be able to log into it on my client. Each time I need to search for wtf the menu is to allow me to just use my password for login or to create the shitty app passwords.

One thing I hate about my phone and localization is that I get to pick ONE language. That's it. But I'm fluent in both English and Norwegian.

I don't want American apps in shitty translated Norwegian, I want them in native English. At the same time, I don't want my local bank, gym, metro etc showing me their dubious English translations, I want the native Norwegian.

But I can't choose this. I get everything in one language. And it sucks.

gender is a scam invented by bathroom companies in the 1960's in order to sell more bathrooms

Back in the day, I felt Firefox OS was brilliant, way ahead of its time, and abandoned far too soon. But now a rebirth has happened thanks to @capyloon and it looks exciting. Exciting enough that I might have to see if I can contribute. Check it out.

#firefoxos #FirefoxOSFork

If you prepared your patch properly, by now your pumpkins should be:
- humming softly
- vibrating to an internal rhythm
- levitating at midnight
- attracting the attention of the vine ghouls
- smelling faintly of sulfur and eldritch madness

They feed us poison(ipv4)

so we buy they cures(tailscale)

while they suppress our medicine(ipv6)

So I managed to add #ActivityPub to a static website I just put together. I will be modifying it so I use the same code on my personal blog too.

Basically it supports followers, and when a new page is added (like a news entry, or a new project) then if your following the website it will show as a status in your feed.

Even cooler, if you comment or like the status from here you will see that comment and status on the website. Yes I can block people if they abuse this, as well as servers.

Check it out by following @flear which represents

Its a very early beta, so the look of the site will still be heavily modified and I will add some more #AP support soon. But this covers all the basics needs.

#Fediverse #Mastodon

Consumer concerns about #AI
- What is it trained on?
- Is it accurate?
- What are the environmental impacts?
- What are the economic impacts?

Corporate concerns about AI:

- Oh my god what if they make it say f*ck?!?!?!

#llm #chatgpt #bard

It always sounds so pretentious or paranoid when I post something about this kind of stuff but I've been getting repeatedly intercepted on some of my VPN's exit nodes, with minor websites that I regularly use getting false certs signed by bullshit orgs. And when the exit node is changed, the man-in-the-middle certs go away.

So forgive the tinfoil hat posting but I do believe public notes should be made about this kind of surveillance, even if there are other conceivable explanations.

In this world of modern password cracking, please keep this in mind:


but if you are going to acquire your password from them anyway, please use their nonsense spoken sentences when they're flustered, and not the keysmashes

Now that I have my own place and can vibe more easily I'm getting back into science and math youtube.

i really misses it tbh. Main change tbh has been that I finally installed newpipe on the tv to avoid the brain draining ads youtube shoves in my brain.

every month I yearn for getting a degree of some sort. 💀

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.