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if we liked things working we wouldn't be involved in FOSS

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K, gonna set some time this weekend to set up that pixelfed instance for creatives.

I really need to find the corner of the maker community that's other disabled people creating their own assistive tech

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Tech people seriously have no idea what the average person knows about their computer or what they do on the internet and how it effects them.


Edited: I don't get much attention on Mastodon and it seems like a lot from people I don't interact with normally, so check out my ko-fi and check out my art, and projects?

Definition: mobile app (noun) - a web page wrapped in spyware.

In case folks aren't aware, the Internet Archive now has a scholar version with a huge collection of academic work available.

#academicchatter #academicmastodon #academic #education #open

I had a dream where I was using a corporate ar headset casually. I really need to set some time aside on my cal to get my janky open source setup working

@djsundog and I are launching a project to build federated, open source, #bandcamp alternative.

We're building this because we need it. We're doing it ourselves because it will become a part of the larger media production and distribution ecosystem we have planned.

We welcome other open source projects, and we might even contribute to a few of them, but for the next several months, this is our full time gig.

Long term vision:


How and why:

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The wave of new AI tools comes with a ton of new #privacy concerns.

A new website where you can upload a photo to identify people shows it’s not limited to those who use AI themselves. And it shows why you should avoid giving your data to random companies.

Do these developments worry you? They worry us..

Pedestrians, it should be our right to be distracted. It should be our right to walk and listen to music / look at the sky / cute dogs / snowflakes and not worry about getting killed. Nothing about that is dangerous except for CARS. Don't let them make you believe you are the problem.

It's funny: Both Bandcamp and Patreon had the easiest and most straightforwardly long-term profitable business models imaginable: Sit between indie creatives and their fans, provide some basic services for mediation (comment sections, media posts, semi-global payment) and take enough of a cut of any payments to cover the costs and then some.

But because that business model wouldn't scale forever, they are instead being gutted, because ever _increasing_ growth is the only model capital accepts

honestly lots of small stressors and pains still but the rise in vaseline comfort levels has made them so much easier to deal with

Luckily I used my uber 31337 haxxer skills to glue together a batch restore script from looking at their http traffic :P

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Well shit I think I accidentally permenantly deleted the work task tracker because I fat fingered something while scrolling through it as it loaded. 💀💀💀💀💀

It's so fucked that we find it acceptable for specifications to be locked behind paywalls.

Violating paywalled standards by using reserved numbers for off-spec purposes is praxis

I am very thankful to know distributed systems and database nerds to nerd out about stuff without people's eyes glazing over from boredom

Omg the tiktok trending sounds stuck in my head this week are atrocious 🤣

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.