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Tech people seriously have no idea what the average person knows about their computer or what they do on the internet and how it effects them.


Edited: I don't get much attention on Mastodon and it seems like a lot from people I don't interact with normally, so check out my ko-fi and check out my art, and projects?

Definition: mobile app (noun) - a web page wrapped in spyware.

In case folks aren't aware, the Internet Archive now has a scholar version with a huge collection of academic work available.

#academicchatter #academicmastodon #academic #education #open

I had a dream where I was using a corporate ar headset casually. I really need to set some time aside on my cal to get my janky open source setup working

@djsundog and I are launching a project to build federated, open source, #bandcamp alternative.

We're building this because we need it. We're doing it ourselves because it will become a part of the larger media production and distribution ecosystem we have planned.

We welcome other open source projects, and we might even contribute to a few of them, but for the next several months, this is our full time gig.

Long term vision:


How and why:

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The wave of new AI tools comes with a ton of new #privacy concerns.

A new website where you can upload a photo to identify people shows it’s not limited to those who use AI themselves. And it shows why you should avoid giving your data to random companies.

Do these developments worry you? They worry us..

Pedestrians, it should be our right to be distracted. It should be our right to walk and listen to music / look at the sky / cute dogs / snowflakes and not worry about getting killed. Nothing about that is dangerous except for CARS. Don't let them make you believe you are the problem.

It's funny: Both Bandcamp and Patreon had the easiest and most straightforwardly long-term profitable business models imaginable: Sit between indie creatives and their fans, provide some basic services for mediation (comment sections, media posts, semi-global payment) and take enough of a cut of any payments to cover the costs and then some.

But because that business model wouldn't scale forever, they are instead being gutted, because ever _increasing_ growth is the only model capital accepts

honestly lots of small stressors and pains still but the rise in vaseline comfort levels has made them so much easier to deal with

Luckily I used my uber 31337 haxxer skills to glue together a batch restore script from looking at their http traffic :P

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Well shit I think I accidentally permenantly deleted the work task tracker because I fat fingered something while scrolling through it as it loaded. 💀💀💀💀💀

It's so fucked that we find it acceptable for specifications to be locked behind paywalls.

Violating paywalled standards by using reserved numbers for off-spec purposes is praxis

I am very thankful to know distributed systems and database nerds to nerd out about stuff without people's eyes glazing over from boredom

Omg the tiktok trending sounds stuck in my head this week are atrocious 🤣

Whereas, women need pockets, and
Wheress, the fashion industry is improving but moving too slowly to address their previous problems,
Therefore, I submit the following schedule of charges amending the Fashion Crimes Amendment of 1982, title II, p 7, s iii to cover all genders of clothing:

Two or more roomy pockets: no crime
One roomy pocket: misdemeanor (FCA II.3.iv)
No pockets: felony (FCA II.3.v)
Fake pockets:
- first offense, felony plus charge of fraud;
- second offense, summary execution

here are some things that would help me as a blind person regarding online accessibility (mobile for me):

- all apps should display all text sizes (iphone goes up to 310%)
- all apps should display bold text if it's turned on in the system settings
- there should be a standard for text size; if my text size is 100% across all apps, then an instagram post, a toot, a text message etc. should all be the same size, no more "instagram and tumblr are always slightly smaller for some reason" bs
- an app's formatting (such as buttons, alerts etc) needs to be compatible with large text! large text doesn't help me if all the buttons are suddenly overlapping or i can't get out of an alert window because they forgot to program the ability to scroll. no more overlapping shit, no more missing shit, no more "i can't get out of this window without closing the app and changing my text size"
- usernames, channel names, all word and sentences should be fully visible even with large text! i don't know what channel "# ge..." is on discord. find a way to make it visible, either make it multiple lines, give me the ability to side scroll or make it move like a spotify song title
- make sure things that shouldn't be affected by large text aren't! if i need to scan a barcode and my large text settings make it unrecognisable to the machine, that's unhelpful
- all apps should have a light mode and a dark mode! certain conditions make it easier to see light mode, others make it easier to see light mode
- dark mode should be as high-contrast as light mode, i.e. white on black, not white on dark grey
- probably have other options beyond regular dark and light mode
- on apps that let you customise your profile a lot visually, give the option to view it in your phones' settings, i.e. if someone's got a dark red on black serif-font tumblr, i wanna be able to make it into a white on black plain font tumblr
- alt text should be accessible without a screenreader
- there should probably be a dedicated field for video descriptions too
- apps that give hashtags a different colour than the rest of the text should let you choose the colour
- all apps should let you view someone's profile picture in full size
- this one is specific to instagram: let us fucking zoom in normally! why do i have to do finger gymnastics just to stay zoomed in and read text on a picture? the zoom should work the same way it does in my photo library and literally everywhere else

most of these shouldn't be that hard and they would make my life a hell of a lot easier. i'm tired of running into issues because i'm too blind to read regular size text.

#disabled #accessibility #blind

reminder: tomorrow, October 13, 2023 will be the most difficult day to play nethack for years in either direction and ascending during this confluence of bad luck would be turboswag.

#nethack #roguelike

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.