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Mastodon should support Markdown formatting. This should actually be defined as a part of ActivityPub. Beyond bold and italics, it would be great to create links to make the content easier to read. #Mastodon #ActivityPub

Still think it'd be useful to exted the client-server spec with some sort of standard for "searching" through your messages.

IMO this will be crucial for making clients that can be interoperable between implementations (which I think is important for user agency!)

Programming is like designing a puzzle and solving it at the same time.

I'm thinking of blocking access to content on my site to anyone not running an ad blocker.


Published a blog about the new Social Inbox tool we've made at which makes it easy to add to your static websites.

The “industry standard” modules used in digital braille displays are custom piezoelectric devices, costing around $100 per “letter,” making such displays impractically expensive for most applications.

I just learned about this hackaday prize winner, who has designed digital, refreshable #braille modules that cost less than $1 each, using teeny-tiny magnets and 3D printed parts.
#OpenSource #accessibility technologies FTW!

your relational database: postgres
your non-relational database: jsonb datatype in postgres
your application business logic: stored procedure triggers in postgres
your basic message queue: NOTIFY in postgres
your full text search: tsvector in postgres
your network protocol: postgres

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I'm in like three levels of reality rn. Listening to coworkers talking during lunch in meatspace, listening to a presentation in a zoom call, and reading stuff on my head mounted display.

Holy shit I think I’m in love.

#Protomaps, a way to serve vector #maps of the entire world using a single static file and HTTP range requests.

It’s basically a static site generator for interactive maps. Tile servers are pretty much obsolete now. No database needed, you can run your interactive, smooth-zooming vector map from any HTTP storage. S3, Caddy running on your Wi-Fi router, even GitHub pages.

It’s open source & free to use. Wow. 🤯


@jackofalltrades @escarpment @magitweeter

Capitalism is *ideologically* predicated on the idea that it consists of nothing more than free individuals voluntarily engaging in production and exchange using their private property.

The sleight of hand is that “private property” is a property mode that has only ever existed, and can only exist, as a product of state violence. Landlords can only extract rent from their tenants because that landlord can call up sheriff’s deputies to evict those tenants into homelessness, and all of the harms that entails, at gunpoint.

So we end up with constant, massive state intervention in the economy on behalf of capital owners—police who protect private property, registrars who survey and record ownership rights, courts that adjudicate those rights, copyrights and patents and trademarks, banks deputized to monopolize money production, direct state subsidies and indirect tax subsidies, zoning laws and licensing regimes that create barriers to market entry, enclosure of commons, debtors prisons, etc etc forever—which all becomes invisible as “state involvement” or “central planning.” So when we debate “state intervention,” we end up debating only those instances where the state intervenes to temper the worst excesses of the capital class.

How retro kick ass is that? Flash is resurrected sans the neglected, proprietary, security ridden, plugin bs of Adobe; thanks to Rust, and modern day sandboxed WebAssembly. No plugin required; small, compact, compatible engine, that unlocks decades of lost SWF content in all its vector visuals, MP3 stereo, and ActionScript-y glory. #flash #adobe #webdev #javascript #rust #retrogaming

Hey folks, I've seen a lot of talk going around about adblockers lately. I worked in the advertising technology and security industry for five years and the one core piece of advice I have is:

Holy fuck never give an advertiser your data. You cannot believe how bad it is. Don't. I run three layers of ad block protection and I'd run more if it was feasible. If you want to support creators give them money.

food (positive) 

OMG I looooove sushi. I could gobble that shit up all day. Really thankful I live near a place that sell cheap ish packages of it that I can get for lunch.

@babe a robot vacuum doesnt need to be a surveillance camera with ai. it doesnt even need wifi. i promise you. why will no one believe me *crying*

if we liked things working we wouldn't be involved in FOSS

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K, gonna set some time this weekend to set up that pixelfed instance for creatives.

I really need to find the corner of the maker community that's other disabled people creating their own assistive tech

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Escape ship from centralized social media run by Mauve.