Whoa. This seems really important. New study suggests that changing the charging protocol from the presently common constant current charge to a high frequency pulsed square wave current could DOUBLE the lifetime of Li-ion batteries.
i.e. the 8 year life of an EV battery back could be extended to a much more reasonable 16 years. That's huge.
Or maybe one of these suckers? https://onexplayerstore.com/products/onexgpu
I could store all my models on there so as not to clutter my main drive.
Itching to get an eGPU just for accelerating AI workloads on my lil GPD Win 4.
My Oculink port is just sitting here collecting dust.
Oh, here's a visualization I made for an algorithm I developed for reducing the number of connections needed for a swarm of peers with limited knowledge of network topology.
Maybe I should start cold calling research groups to see if they want some tech stuff. I'm thinking distributed compute or databases or verilog could be useful.
Every time I do tech support for my family I get very angry about people who whine about lacking "tech literacy".
90% of the stuff I have to teach them is how to navigate manipulative software and dark patterns. This has nothing to do with tech, but with capitalism. Tech is not complicated, it is just made maximally confusing on purpose to remove agency.
Better tech ed won't fix this.
Did you know that you don't need to commit to an entire @agregore browser to make use of it's tech? If you already have #nodejs installed you can run agregore-compatible #JavaScript modules from your cli over any protocol supported by the browser. (e.g. #IPFS or #gemini )
npx agregore run hyper://blog.mauve.moe/example.js
With this you can share #p2p code between applications and command line utilities.
This video was great for getting up to date on #AR glasses.
Wowee. Kinda want to get my hands on one of these #AR glasses. :x
This audio book trained TTS gets some sort of brain spasm when it encounters characters or words it can't easily pronounce. Feels like they should have trained it on IPA instead of regular token streams.
Here's what happened when I tried to get it to say a few tongue twisters ripped from wikipedia. It sounds drunk or like it's language center is being put through a blender.
Brushing up on #Svelte to do code reviews for a project and I gotta say it's pretty magical. :P
Watching my partner play Minecraft Legends. NGL it's kinda confusing. and this is coming after playing Scorn whicb seems to have zero guidelines at the beginning. #gaming
After struggling for a week to get ANTLR4 to parse/transform/serialize this obscure programming language, I've ditched it and got everything working in about two days of work.
It's not perfect since I'm skipping tokenizing some of the language constructs, but it's easy to iterate on and has just enough for the analysis/transform stuff I need to do.
Here's a half-formed thought I need to mull a bit on:
Somehow, algorithmic (and especially "AI-driven") decision making tends to only be proposed in contexts where it can only — or mostly — affect those with the least power in the system.
Migrants and asylum seekers.
Families using any form of state support (child benefits, foodstamps, etc).
Palestinians in Gaza.
It somehow never gets proposed for use-cases where it might affect the wealthy and powerful.
One wonders why. 🤔
Occult Enby that's making local-first software with peer to peer protocols, mesh networks, and the web.
Exploring what a local-first cyberspace might look like in my spare time.